Daily Archives: June 14, 2015

Duck Race Results

Thank you to so many of you who sold and bought ducks again this year. We sold almost 1281 ducks raising a huge amout for PTA funds. The ducks made their way (slowly!) down the Mosset to the finish line.  Mrs Maclennan and Mrs MacIntosh got a bit wet but managed to catch them all before they disappeared under the bridge and headed to Findorn Bay!

The first duck home, winning £150 was bought by Amanda Fraser (sold by Sean Fraser 2F). Second place, winning £100 was bought by Marlena Wrobel  (sold by Victor Stockzowski 2E) and 3rd place winning £50 was bought by Cenedra Robb 6W. The very last duck in wins £25 and was bought by Ellie McLeod. Ben Ross won the PINZ voucher by selling an amazing 216 ducks.




Summer Fete

A huge well done to all who organised, helped to set up and run the Applegrove Summer Fete on Saturday. Despite a terrible forecast we were lucky that the rain held off during the two hours of the fete and we were able to get some of the games outside. The fete was a huge success and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. The PTA are grateful to all families who came along to support the event. As well as  raising money for the school the Summer Fete is an opportunity for pupils and their families to get together as a school community and have some fun so this year we decided to offer some free activities for the kids. Lots of fun was had welly wanging, archery, throwing beanbags at teachers faces and pillow fighting! Thank you for your contributions to the bottle stall on the dress up day and for buying so many ducks to make the duck race a huge success, once again.

The Sumner fete could not have been such a success without the hard work of the PTA, parent helpers, teachers and pupils who organised and ran the stalls. Many thanks again and see you next year!

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