Literacy Links


Literacy Links.doc

Many of our pre-school parents have been asking advice on ways to support their child with writing and reading as they think ahead to starting school. Here are some of my favourite links and ideas. I hope it helps!

Cbeebies have a really helpful guide to teach your child to read. The guide also includes video clips to help you become more familiar with phonics. On the main cbeebies website you can find the Alphablocks page where you can play games and watch clips together.

Teach your monster to read – this website was a huge success in my P1 class last year. The game is free to play online or you can pay £2.99 to play it on the ipad. I highly recommend this game.

Oxford Owl – again this is free to join. You can read books online and play games. The website also has a section for maths games.

Other things you can do at home:

  • Rainbow writing – write your child’s first name in highlighter or a light coloured felt tip pen, your child can then write over the top in many different colours please remember to start with a capital and write the other letters in lower case.
  • Letter hunt – go for a walk or look through books and comics having fun to find the first letter of your child’s name as many times as you can.
  • Library – visit the library and have fun reading together.
  • Reading – read a familiar story then ask your child to tell you the story back using their own words or get them to guess what is happening just by looking at the pictures.
  • Rhyming books – read lots of rhyming stories or have fun learning nursery rhymes. Julia Donaldson or Dr Seuss books are great for learning rhyming words. The bookstart website has information on why rhyme is important for learning to read.


Most of all just have fun and please leave a comment if you have any great links I have missed!

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