“Playlist for the Dead” book Review

Our S1 Book critic Zara finds a book that hits all the right notes.


If you enjoy a romance with a hint of mystery then playlist for the dead is the book for you. One morning after a confusing party and a terrifying fight Sam wakes up to find his best friend Hayden dead, and all that is left is a playlist of songs and a suicide note. Now it’s up to Sam, with the help of a complicated and secretive girl to piece together the story of what really happened on the night of the party. With all of the evidence that he is given, he finds it hard to piece anything together and everything is a struggle – even trudging to school seems impossible and it doesn’t help that everyone is trying to be kind and making a fuss, feeling lonelier than ever, all Sam wants to know is why?

I really enjoyed playlist for the dead; I found the characters interesting and likeable, and the ones that were used helped to create an interesting, intriguing and exciting book – that made you want to keep on reading. Anyone who has ever felt lost or unsure of just what to do next, you will relate to Sam in a lot of ways. The plot had many twists and turns and eventually settled in a very satisfying manor.

I recommend playlist for the dead from ages 10+ because it has I slightly upsetting storyline but I think it has an important message. 4/5