By Iona McKnight
Lent is finally here, and many people are giving up things like chocolate, crisps, biscuits or commonly with some pupils giving up on giving up. The three main things to do for lent are fasting, giving to charity and praying. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, the day when we receive ashes (that sort of feels like a little bit of a face mask experience) to remember that we are all mortal and one day will just be dust, which helps with the phrase of being our best in the time that we have. Until then, we make promises, sometimes people manage to keep them, sometimes they cannot. We interviewed two pupils who were interested in answering, one pupil commented that: “I’ve tried to eat less snacky foods such as crisps, chocolate…I’d like to think I’d last the whole forty days, but yeah it might not be that long” another pupil has said: “I’ve tried to give up chocolate, but I’ve not did that well… I’ll probably last a minute and a half; my goal is a minute in a half.” Both pupils were not very optimistic about how long they would be able to avoid giving into what they had been trying to avoid. Personally, I myself am not very good at keeping on top of the giving up, in the past, I tried to give up sweets, however, I slipped up once and ended up giving up all together. Or else I try to give up cake, then I would specify to chocolate cake, then big cake, then ultimately realise that, I already failed. Whatever your target is to avoid, good luck with avoiding the temptations that come along with Lent. Even when we don’t meet our goals we can still become better people.