Flashcard Games for Topics – Learning Support

This website has some excellent flashcards – ready to use in 10 minutes http://www.mes-english.com/flashcards.php

  • Select your topic and size of card
  • Print
  • Fold in half lengthways, glue and cut up.  The backing makes them easy to cut
  • Laminate if you have time

Great for building vocabulary and confidence for any pupil new to English.

Ideas eg Hobbies

  1.  Give a name to each card eg TV, computers.  Practise saying these words with your pupil.
  2.  Place the cards face down and the pupil chooses one – keeping it secret
  3.  Vary the level by modelling  it in a sentence, eg  “TV?” or  “Do you like TV?” or   “Do you like watching TV?”
  4.  Answer  “No” or “No, I don’t”  or “No, I don’t like watching TV”  Insist on correct pronunciation
  5. It’s your turn when you guess correctly eg “Yes” “Yes, I like TV” or “Yes, I like watching TV”

This game goes down well for those new to English at just about any age working with Learning Support Auxilliaries or peers.

One thought on “Flashcard Games for Topics – Learning Support”

  1. This is an absolutely fantastic find that I can see really working at our school- thank you for sharing with us!

    G. Davidson

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