Tag Archives: New to English

Flashcard Games for Topics – Learning Support

This website has some excellent flashcards – ready to use in 10 minutes http://www.mes-english.com/flashcards.php

  • Select your topic and size of card
  • Print
  • Fold in half lengthways, glue and cut up.  The backing makes them easy to cut
  • Laminate if you have time

Great for building vocabulary and confidence for any pupil new to English.

Ideas eg Hobbies

  1.  Give a name to each card eg TV, computers.  Practise saying these words with your pupil.
  2.  Place the cards face down and the pupil chooses one – keeping it secret
  3.  Vary the level by modelling  it in a sentence, eg  “TV?” or  “Do you like TV?” or   “Do you like watching TV?”
  4.  Answer  “No” or “No, I don’t”  or “No, I don’t like watching TV”  Insist on correct pronunciation
  5. It’s your turn when you guess correctly eg “Yes” “Yes, I like TV” or “Yes, I like watching TV”

This game goes down well for those new to English at just about any age working with Learning Support Auxilliaries or peers.