Category Archives: Professional Studies

The Virtues Of Teaching

Respect- I feel that there is a great importance that a teacher has to be respectful in their occupation. This has an important connection with being professional. As a teacher we have to respect that each child is an individual who have their own needs that we need to attend to. Also by giving each child respect it then allows the child to respect us back therefore having a positive connection with each other and creating a positive atmosphere within the classroom.

Patience- I feel there will be many times when teachers feel they are going to lose their patience. Patience means being able to keep calm in stressful situations. For example, if a child does not understand part of a lesson, no matter how many times we explain it we must remain patient. By doing this we can then think of other ways to teach the lesson to the child to ensure that they understand it. Another example may be if the classroom is very noisy and the children won’t settle down. Instead of shouting and getting angry, which can result in the situation becoming worse we can keep calm and patient. The children may then recognise you are wanting their attention.

Fairness- being fair mean that we treat everyone the same without favouring someone over another. This is crucial that as teachers we are fair throughout our profession. We need to treat every child the same. By doing so no child is left out and they all feel equal.

Kindness- The children see their teacher as a role model. This leads to the child copying many things that the teacher does, including their behaviour. This is why we need to be kind. If we are friendly and generous the children will then start to show signs of this kindness when they interact with other pupils. This is important as we want to see every child being kind to others. As a teacher it then makes it our responsibility to shape these young children into the best person they can be.

Self-control- self control is very important in our profession as we need to remind ourselves of what is appropriate and what isn’t. When dealing with opinionated staff or parents we need to control our views and try to get an understanding of the view of the other person. If we do not agree we cannot allow our emotions to get the better of us. Instead come up with a balanced view where both opinions are seen to matter. This way everyone is kept happy.