Part 1: Unit 2- Reflection

Due to Unit 2 of our online unit being so detailed I have decided to split it into sections to allow me to feel organised with my own learning. Whilst watching the YouTube clip:

it became clear that reflection has a massive connection with our perceptions and experiences. By reflecting, we are able to look back on problems we have endured and find ways to solve them. This way, like the video states we are the ones we are in charge of our learning. Barriers that once may have hindered our learning can now be removed. Due to the reflection process we can now think of different pathways that can lead us to overcome the struggles we have faced. For children this is a great way for them to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This will lead to the child building their own development distinguishing abilities that may need more work on. In some ways it also changed the child’s thought process. Instead of them seeing themselves as “bad” in a certain subject, they can then change that negative thinking and see the subject as something with “room for improvement”. The reflection process enables them to think in this positive way.

What is Reflection?
– Being able to identify our own strengths and weaknesses.
– Finding different pathways or action points that we can use to overcome our problems.
– Standing back and viewing the experience with an open mind.

What is NOT Reflection?
– Only having one viewpoint.
– Believing that there is no development needed therefore having a stubborn attitude and not reflecting at all.
– Negative process.

2 thoughts on “Part 1: Unit 2- Reflection

  1. I like the way your post is factual, I wrote a lot of my reflection post about how we can use reflection as a teacher rather that the students. I like that you also quoted from the video “we are the ones in charge of our learning”. Maybe next time you could add the video in the post as a media rather that a URL to make it look more inviting, but that is just my opinion, you don’t have to, it is really good as it is. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your post and it got me thinking about reflection from a different angle!

    1. Post author

      Thank you so much for your comment! I agree with your comment about adding the post in as media and I had intended to do that at first. However, I had technical difficulty with it so had to do it by URL. I will have to find out how to do it properly for next time. Thank you again! I’m glad something I have written has had an impact.


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