My inspiration to become a teacher…

My primary one teacher had a massive impact on me. She was the type of teacher who made every child in the class believe in themselves. (SORRY IF IT’S CHEESY) She would tell the class that if they worked hard in life they could be whatever they wanted to be. It didn’t matter if you wanted to be a baker, a nurse or even a bin man. If you wanted to be any of those as long as you worked hard and were determined enough you could make it. Every child in my class left primary one already having a favourite teacher including me. I feel that I am the determined and motivated person I am today because of her. Sadly, when I reached primary six I found out that my primary one teacher had passed away from cancer. From that moment I realised I wanted to be a primary teacher. I wanted to continue the amazing job she had made, giving young children like me the best start in their early years of education.

As I went through education from primary school to high school there were so many different teachers I met. From these teachers I took away all my favourite aspects from each and decided to use them to form myself into the best teacher I could be. One teacher was always up for a joke and a laugh with his pupils. Every time I entered his class I was excited as he made it more fun than I initially thought school was. I also had a teacher who was very supportive. If anyone had a problem they felt comfortable to go to her and explain what was wrong. This I felt was important as your students need to feel at ease when speaking to you. This allowed me to get a good view of the type of teacher that I wished to be, plus adding my own personality into the job.


2 thoughts on “My inspiration to become a teacher…

  1. Very good Hope! This post definitely gives an insight into what inspired you to start your journey on this course. Just a quick question I was hoping you could answer. When you went out and gained your experience in placements and such, were there any stand out experiences where something inspired you even further?

    1. Post author

      Thank you so much! When going into placement I realised that each child has different circumstances that may impact their learning. For example some children may be from poorer backgrounds. Other children in certain placements had learning difficulties. When I got to experience this in placement it inspired me to be a teacher so that I could give each child the exact same start in their first years of education. Many children who had these circumstances also lacked confidence. I wanted to make it my job to make these children believe they can do whatever they want to and ensure them that they are all equal. I hope this answers your question!


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