Behaviour Management is something that scares me the most about going on placement to our primary schools. With past experience I have only ever worked with younger years from primary 1 to primary 3. The behaviour management strategies that are usually put in place for this age group tends to be the popular traffic light system. All children start on green due to positive behaviour. If the child starts to misbehave the child is asked to move their name to yellow. This acts as a warning and signifies to the child that their behaviour needs to be changed. If the child continues to misbehave then they are then asked to move their name to red. A punishment can then be put in place to show the child that the behaviour they are displaying is not acceptable. This may be loss of Golden Time. However, I am aware that this strategy is more age appropriate for the younger years. As I have been given a primary 5 class, when I first go I will ask the teacher what behaviour management they use in the class so I can go home and do further reading. This will allow me to feel confident when going in to the classroom and using the system. As a teacher I also need to be aware of other issues that may effect a child’s behaviour such as: home issues or children with additional support needs. We need to be aware that every child is different and that not all children in the class will benefit from the class system that is put in place. Some children may need their own behaviour systems in order for them to understand what is expected of them. I know how important literature is and I know it will expand my knowledge when dealing with behaviour management. From this I may be able to use my own strategies and realise what works best for me. This will help massively when I go on to be a teacher in my own classroom.
Behaviour Management
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