Personal audit & transferable skills

Activity 1: Identifying Skills and Abilities

(1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities: Personal Skills




 Flexibility  X
Self confidence  X
 Self discipline  X
 Work under pressure  X
 Set personal goals  X
 Take risks  X
Share opinions confidently  X
Skills and Abilities: Interpersonal Skills




Team work X
Take responsibility  X
 Build social networks  X
Manage Time  X
Act as a leader  X
Negotiation  X
Skills and Abilities: Communication Skills




 Make presentations  X
 Listen to others  X
 Debate formally and informally  X
 Contribute to discussions  X
 Converse confidently  X
 Take notes  X
 Write for academic purposes  X


Skills and Abilities: Technical Skills




 Computing skills  X
 Be creative  X
 Use technology  X
Skills and Abilities: Intellectual Skills




Problem solve  X
Generate new ideas  X
Work on own initiative  X
Organise and plan  X
Think critically  X
Evaluate information  X

Activity 2: Evaluating Skills and Abilities

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How will I use these How do I know (evidence)**
  •  Something could come up in the workplace, therefore you are required to be able to change your plans around to suit the issue.
  • You have to be prepared to give up/rearrange your plans during after school hours in the event that  you need to send some extra time at work e.g.. stay behind to mark pupils’ work.
  •  By having a part time job I have developed the skill to be flexible because often I’d be unexpectedly asked to work, therefore would have to change my plans around this.
 Self discipline
  •  You are a role model to your pupils, therefore must display a disciplined type of behaviour.
  • Self-discipline also means to be able to self-motivate yourself. You have to know what you need to do and get it done.
  •  As you grow up, you have to take on many more responsibilities such as working, self-studying etc., both which I have experienced, therefore helping me become more self disciplined.
 Set personal goals
  •  As a teacher, you have to know what you want the pupils to take away from a lesson, therefore must have your own personal goals, to help them children reach theirs. If you know the learning outcome of a lesson, you are able to help them achieve it.
  •  Through my experience of applying to university, aiming for AAB in my exam results has been my biggest personal goal yet. Achieving a B in higher English was especially difficult as it is not my strongest subject.
 Take responsibility
  •  As a teacher, you are in charge of a class of around thirty pupils, therefore must accept responsibility for their learning and their safety.
  • You must be able to take responsibility for yourself before you can take responsibility for others as well.
  •  I’ve had previous experience in a primary school where I was left to do some art lessons with the pupils so whilst doing this I had to look after the children as well as educating them.
  • Outside of school environments, I’ve had the experience of babysitting children, where you are fully responsible for them during the hours that you are looking after them. Likewise, with young family members, I have looked after them for long periods of time and it requires your full attention and commitment.
 Be creative
  •  If you are creative in the classroom, learning is fun! If you have the ability to make a boring subject exciting for the children then you’re off to a good start. They will enjoy school a lot more if what they’re doing is fun.
  •  Art, being my favourite subject at school, allowed me to be really creative in my work. the design brief was very open, therefore it was down to me to decide on something creative.
  • I already can’t wait to bring art into the classroom in many different ways, from using it to teach maths and English, to decorating the classroom in an educational way.
 Computing skills
  •  Technology is huge in education now so, as a teacher, I think you should keep up to date with technology. Children are hugely influenced by technology and social media these days, therefore it will encourage them to learn if you can involve computing and technology into the education.
  •  I have been using computers since a young age, and I am part of the generation that is heavily influenced by the internet and social media.
  • Not only do I use computing in my personal time, but I have experience of using it a lot during school. Between making power points for a presentation, to simply typing up an essay for my Standard Grade and Higher folios, I have become really familiar and comfortable with technology and computing.
Recognition Reflection Action
Skills not yet developed How will I develop these How do I know (evidence)**
 Evaluate information
  •  By reading my peers’ ePortfolios and professionally criticising and evaluating their posts.
  • Reading different texts and choosing key points from them, then debating them.
  •  In school, my ES mark was always lower than my KU mark. I can remember facts, but when it comes to saying why something is the way it is, I struggle slightly.
 Contribute to discussions
  •  Take part in lectures more often.
  • Read up about the topic of discussion before taking part.
  •  During discussions with a lot of people I often feel like my answers are irrelevant, or more so wrong. I never want to say something that is wrong in case it turns out to be embarrassing.
  • I do understand though, that to widen my knowledge and education, I must make mistakes so that I can learn from them.
Team work
  •  Work in groups more often.
  • Talk with colleagues about recent studies to help each other.
  •  I usually prefer to work on my ow as I feel I can concentrate more without the distraction of others. If I work on my own, I know that if something goes wrong then I only have myself to blame. I like to be able to just get on with things without having to conform first.
  • On the other hand, it is helpful sometimes to work in groups so that you can see other people’s opinions and the way they look at things.
  • My team work skills are quite good, but could improve a lot.,
Share opinions confidently
  •  Ensure that I am more informed on the subject of a lecture before entering.
  •  I often feel that if I think I have something to say during a lecture, I shouldn’t say it as it might make me look stupid. Therefore, if I am more confident in the subject area beforehand, I can put my opinions across with more confidence.

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