Category Archives: 3. Prof. Skills & Abilities

Managing my learning

Recognition/ Reflection Action
What helps my learning? How can I utilise this?
Organisation Ensuring my work area/desk is neat and tidy

Colour coding my notes

Re-writing Taking the time to rewrite any notes that I feel I do not fully understand

Learning important facts for any exams by rewriting them numerous times

Peer discussion After trying something myself first, going to other peers to ask what approach they have taken and how they got there

Ask peers face to face, or online

Meet with a group of peers who also want to discuss their work with other people

Peace and quiet  Studying in a quiet place with low noise levels, for example, the library



Recognition/Reflection Action
What hinders my learning? How can I address this factor?
I struggle to take information in straight away Read lecture notes before the lecture and then take notes

Print lecture notes off and add to them during lectures

Social media and texting Keep my phone out of sight, turned off

I have previously found that deleting apps e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. whilst studying has kept me off my phone so this is an action I could take again

Studying for long periods of time Take short breaks from studying when I feel they are necessary


Video 1

At the basis of a good teacher is good education. A teacher must be able to deliver this to their pupils on a daily basis. A bad education may mean they lose some of the opportunities and chances in life they would’ve had, if only they’d been educated better. A teacher who delivers a good education to their pupils is a teacher who makes a difference. This means that they must have certain skills and abilities to be able to do so.

Throughout the video I agreed that all of the qualities mentioned were important for an exceptional teacher to have. One of many that was mentioned was that the teacher has to be reachable. The teacher comes into contact all the time with the pupils, often their parents and occasionally members of the public, such as the police. They have to be easy to talk to, and confident enough to speak to people they don’t know. Pupils should feel like they are able to come to the teacher with any problems they may have and know that they can trust him/her.

The most important point I took from this video is that to be a teacher who makes a difference, you must be willing to put the extra work in. I really enjoy art and am passionate about it, and would be willing to start an after school arts and crafts club for the children in a school. I used to love things like that in primary school and believe that they were beneficial to my creativity. Passion and commitment are qualities that a good teacher must have.

There are still many other qualities that a teacher who makes a difference has to have thought. Being professional is not just about dressing smart!

Video 2

In this video, the teachers say that professionalism is being a role model to your pupils. As the children grow up, their teachers have an effect on them. Their attitudes, language etc. rub off on them, therefore as teachers we must be a positive role model for them to look up to.

I agree that we, as teachers, are role models and need to be a good image. To be a good role model you must be able to present things well, speak well, and act appropriately in front of the kids. As mentioned in the video, it is also important how teachers react to the way the pupils speak to them. You cannot judge the children based on anything like background or class and must respond fairly and appropriately. You need to be an effective communicator and also be willing to keep up to date with ever-changing education.

Video 3

The message I got from video three was that there is an ongoing debate to whether or not teachers are professionals or workers. The male in this video thinks teachers should be highly appreciated and paid more money, because they are professionals. On the other hand, the female has the opinion that teachers are workers. She, who is a teacher, classes herself as ‘an educational worker’. The main thing about this video is that it makes you question yourself whether a teacher is a professional or a worker.