Discovering Mathematics

Maths is a subject that I never really had much confidence in, and thinking back to when I was a child, I remember feeling such pressure to keep up with those who managed to grasp concepts that I found myself so often struggling to get my head around. I feared the thought of failure more than anything else and convinced myself that I was just one of those people who couldn’t do maths.

Now in my early twenties, I still feel the same way. During my placement in first year the thought of teaching maths filled me with such dread. I often found myself doubting my ability when explaining even the simplest of concepts. This made me realise that to teach maths successfully, I needed to have a deep, broad and thorough knowledge and understanding of maths, and by extension, the ability to explain concepts in a meaningful way. This meant going back to basics and trying to pinpoint the reasons for my lack of confidence in maths.

I chose this module as my elective for this exact reason; Discovering Mathematics is designed to help explore, reflect and critically examine various topics in fundamental mathematics and enhance subject knowledge.

I hope this module helps me to become a bit more confident in my ability to teach maths so I can be a better teacher, and one who has children that are more confident in their ability to learn maths.

One thought on “Discovering Mathematics

  1. Really glad you’ve chosen to take on maths as you’ve been less confident before. I hope you can draw some links from the various inputs, like Simon’s solace input, to the Ma theory of PUFM. Looking forward to th next post!


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