Category Archives: 2.2 Education Systems & Prof. Responsibilities

Personal and professional presence on social media

What challenges do teachers face when attempting to marry the personal versus professional presence on social media?

On social media, teachers may face challenges of coming across their pupils on popular sites. In this instance, teachers should ensure that their accounts are private so that no child/parent could access any of their personal details. On social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook, where many people give their opinion on current events, that they are professional and do not post anything that is inappropriate.

In my opinion, I would create separate accounts for professional and personal purposes in order to keep my personal life private and also to engage with issues that would relate to my professional life.

The GTCS has specific guidelines for social media and how to behave appropriately on social media. It is important to stick to these guidelines in order to be professional and to keep safe online.


How are the challenges/opportunities afforded by social media framed? How will you frame things – positive or deficit viewpoint?

Many of the older generation have a negative viewpoint of social media and believe that social media should not be involved in the classroom, as it may be distracting. In my classroom, I will use social media in a positive and fun way to create a variety of interesting lessons. It is important to educate children on the dangers they may face when using social media and show them how to keep themselves safe by using sites such as NSPCC and Share Aware.


RSA Animate – Changing Education Paradigms

I found this clip really interesting and really made me think about education in today’s society.

Sir Ken Robinson spoke about how our education system is still working the way it did in the past. It was designed for a different age and was conceived in the industrial revolution. He spoke about how there has always been the idea that there are academic and non academic people/ smart and non smart people, and that people who are non academic do not have the same self confidence to achieve. I agree with this as there are many people who have excellent skills in sport or the arts who can achieve so much with the skills they have, but may not receive the same encouragement from staff in school.

Robinson then goes on to speak about the rise of ADHD amongst children. Children are being given powerful drugs to keep them from being distracted.

“Getting children through education by anaesthetising them”

We live in a society where technology is all around us, and constantly holds our attention, yet children are getting told off for getting distracted from school work, which some may not be interested in. Robinson says that the rise in standardised testing has also seen the rise in ADHD.

Another point I found interesting was that schools are organised in the same way as factories. There are seperate facilities for boys and girls, a bell rings to signify different times and the children are put through school in “batches”. Children go through school based on their age group and not by academic ability. Why do we do this if some children are more academically gifted than others?