Category Archives: UoDEdushare

Why I chose to teach

Primary Education is arguably the most important stage of a child’s education, it provides the foundation blocks of their futures.  Personally I was lucky enough to have experienced this, my primary 6 teacher has been and will continue to be my inspiration as a teacher. It wasn’t just how she taught me, it was about her belief in me, her kindness, her selflessness and her constant enthusiasm which left me bounding to school each day eager to learn more and made school a wonderful experience. Now my aim is to replicate this for other children, and help to give them the best start in life. I want to be able to provide support and stability for each child no matter their background, culture, to give all children the best possible beginning. My aim as a Primary teacher is to try and alleviate the attainment gap we have in schools, each child deserves the same opportunities which is something I hope to preach and achieve. The chance to have children from different cultures and backgrounds to come together to learn values and respect for one another is something that I feel very strongly about. It will help them develop opinions which will make them more responsible member of society later in life. To be able to enhance a child’s learning and to watch them thrive and develop is something I want to be a part of. With my hope being they walk out at the end of the day eager to come back to learn more.


Don’t get me wrong teaching is no easy job. Although the working day may be 9 – 3:30 there is such an intense amount of planning and preparation outwith these hours for the next day’s lessons. Not only this but the large class sizes, the stress of trying to accommodate for each child’s abilities, the crying, the tantrums. However none of this has put me off, if anything it makes me more determined to do the best I can, for children to be achieving the best of their abilities. Hopefully having inspired them and given them the self belief that my Primary 6 teacher did all those years ago.