Category Archives: 3.4 Prof. Reflection & Commitment

What makes a good science lesson?

o me personally I think the most important aspect of any good lesson is teacher knowledge. It will be my responsibility as a teacher to ensure I am fully informed about all are about all areas of the subject I’m teaching, to ensure my class get all information necessary and more. For me high school science, biology in particular, was something I enjoyed. Therefor, I feel like I will enjoy teaching science in the future and educating myself further about topics related to science is something I look forward to.

In order to create a good science lesson I feel it is important for the children to be actively involved. If they feel they are involved in what they’re learning it will build enthusiasm for the subject and push them to learn more on their own behalf. Therefor the teacher must create lessons which allows the children to be actively involved, allowing them to be enthusiastic for the subject.

Another aspect which makes a good science lesson is combining literacy and numeracy in the lessons. This allows children to build on their skills and expand their knowledge, for example using ‘science words’ and doing mathematic calculations relating to science experiments. This is a key element of a good science lesson as it enhances children’s problem solving skills and connects them to the wider world.

A good science lesson including the 3 aspects I have mentioned will hopefully lead to more children being interested in the STEM industry.

Values workshop Tuesday 18th

Following Tuesdays tutorial it became more apparent to me the importance of treating everyone equitably within the classroom. The resources such as paper and rubber bands my group were given were significant as they represented the little money or resources at home some children may have. The tutorial taught me that for all children to excel and gain confidence they must be treated with the same respect and attention despite the amount of resources they have. The tutorial also made me think about the attainment gap and how important it will be in my role as a teacher to aim to close this gap, by giving equal opportunities and time to every pupil regardless.