My Educational Philosophy

A personal teaching philosophy that will be implemented in my future classroom will take into account; the teacher I mean to be, how I’ll support my pupils, what my classroom will involve and the type of education I mean to deliver.

I intend to be an influential teacher, I’ll instill a love of learning in my pupils and share my own love for learning with them. I will be willing to go that extra mile, to be open-minded and to do the unexpected. I will equip children with the information needed to make intelligent choices whilst I have balanced and unbiased views.

I believe that every child should be treated as a unique individual. Pupils will be my key concern as will listening to their thoughts and opinions. I will help them to realise their full potential by helping them discover who they are. As pupils grow and mature I will be preparing them for life society by challenging them, leading to developing together.

In my classroom children will discover for themselves through active learning. This will be done through a safe learning environment with an inclusive classroom which encourages social and interaction skills. This will also allow for freedom of expression and creativity.

Finally I plan to run a child-centred education. This gives the children motivation to work on their chosen aspect and also engages them in lessons. I will plan lessons that have clear expectations and that are interesting and meaningful – relevant to life experiences.

I do believe that my philosophy and teaching style may change throughout my teaching career as I will learn from experiences but also from the children I teach and the colleagues I work with.

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