Category Archives: 2 Prof. Knowledge & Understanding

IB Reflective Activity 4

Differences and similarities between the IB and the CfE in terms of Primary Education

IB PYP and CfE both aim to help children develop into independent and successful lifelong learners who respect and value opinions of others. Both curricula encourage learners to be active, creative and determined to achieve their goals.

Not only teachers but children as well are part of the learning process and can have an impact on what they learn and how. Teachers collaborate and work together to create engaging, relevant and challenging lessons.

On top of that, IB is internationally-focused and aims to educate learners in such environment that provides opportunities to understand different cultures and languages.

The IB Primary Years Programme identifies 6 subject areas:

  • Language
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social studies
  • Arts
  • Personal, social and physical education

They are discussed via 6 transdisciplinary themes:

  1. Who we are
  2. Where we are in place and time
  3. How we express ourselves
  4. How the world works
  5. How we organize ourselves
  6. Sharing the planet


Whereas, in the CfE, there are 8 subject areas:

  • Languages
  • Mathematics
  • Sciences
  • Social studies
  • Religious and moral education
  • Technologies
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Expressive arts

What children should learn in each subject area (in the CfE) is described in Experiences and Outcomes documents. These documents specify what knowledge and skills should be developed throughout each school year. It is divided into three levels – early, first, second. This allows the interconnection of information and building of knowledge. Benchmark documents explain this even more allowing teachers to fully understand what concepts should be discussed and what knowledge and skills should be acquired.  Furthermore, in the Curriculum for Excellence, literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing are considered to be responsibility of all teachers.

Whereas, the IB is known for its transdisciplinary-themed curriculum and making links and connections between subject areas. Knowledge, skills and concepts are acquired through six themes mentioned above. However, some subjects may be studies separately e.g. Physical education or Music Education. This International Primary Years Programme focuses on acquiring knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes and action. The curriculum is inquiry-based meaning children themselves create a hypothesis about a picture/information and by finding out further information themselves, they learn about the topic/issue and slowly develop into and become critical thinkers. A huge focus is on learning through exploring big ideas and larger concepts from various points of view, which help students understand the world around them. An emphasis is then placed upon reflection on children´s  learning.

CfE as well encourages and implements interdisciplinary learning for children to develop the ability to apply knowledge and skills in other contexts.

In the CfE, there are also seven principles for teachers to consider when planning lessons:

  • Challenge and enjoyment
  • Breadth
  • Progression
  • Depth
  • Personalisation and choice
  • Coherence
  • Relevance

From my point of view, CfE as well as IB curriculum allow teachers to prepare such lessons that are engaging, challenging and relevant for the pupils in a way that best suits them. Teachers can and are encouraged to get to know their students as much as possible which then enables them to fully understand how they learn best and plan lessons accordingly. Experiences and outcomes documents that are part of the CfE help teachers to understand in detail what it is that need to be taught at each grade. I enjoy the flexibility of the Curriculum for Excellence. It is up to the teacher how a concept will be learnt. This allows teachers to create lessons according to their learners´ preferences, which help students feel they also play a part in the learning process and their ideas are valued and possibly taken forward.

I really enjoy the fact that the IB curriculum is international inviting all people from various cultural background to become a part of this learning community. It brings people together, which, I believe, could also become an element of the Scottish education, for example in the form of partnership and projects with other schools. It is incredibly important to understand other cultures in order to become a critical thinker and have a general overview of the world and what is happening around us.

I am really looking forward to learning more about the IB Primary Years Programme.

IB Reflective Activity 2

Compare and Contrast the IB Learner Profile attributes with CfE´s four capacities.


There are 10 core values/attributes. IB learners are encouraged to become:

  • Inquirers
  • Knowledgeable
  • Thinkers
  • Communicators
  • Principled
  • Open-minded
  • Caring
  • Risk-takers
  • Balanced
  • Reflective


Whereas, the CfE specifies 4 capacities to help children become:

  • Successful learners
  • Confident individuals
  • Responsible citizens
  • Effective contributors


It is highlighted that lessons should be engaging, relevant and challenging in order to motivate pupils and therefore encourage students to become successful lifelong learners who can contribute, have a great impact and make a difference in the 21st century.

In both curricula acquiring knowledge is hugely important. Knowing what we are learning is as important as knowing why we are learning it and where we can apply it in the future. This helps children make informed decision and develop their critical thinking skills. Observing my class, I have seen them do many problem-solving activities such as mathematical problems or various literacy tasks.

To encourage children in their thinking skills, in the first week of my placement, my class took a trip to a Science Centre, where they were exposed to many scientific ideas and learnt about Mars. They were engaged in whole-class and groups discussions, which encouraged their thinking.

Creativity plays a great role as well. In the classroom I was in, it was stimulated by many different teaching methods throughout their education and also via participating in a project about planets, which consisted of planning and creating artworks, finding information using digital technology and playing a part in a special play about planets performed for parents.

Great importance in both IB Learner Profile and CfE Four Capacities, is placed upon learning how to be an independent and responsible learner as well as a a good communicator and listener when being a part of a group sharing ideas and discussing various topics. To become a responsible citizen means also being interested and wanting to know more about the world around us from the local as well as the global point of view.

Developing a sense of physical as well as emotional wellbeing is significant for both, IB and CfE curricula. Moreover, in the CfE Health and Wellbeing is a responsibility of all those working in schools, not only teachers. This also applies to Literacy and Numeracy. Whereas, in the IB Curriculum, a greater emphasis is placed upon helping learners develop into inquirers through inquiry-based learning.

Even though the IB is more internationally-focused, CfE itself also tries to help children understand the importance of knowing different cultures, languages and how people live around the world. This enables children become respectful to others and open-minded to new ideas, thinking and information coming from different parts of the world and being able to assess such information, which enhances critical thinking skills. However, through IB programmes, students often have a direct contact with people from around the world which allows them to create international learning communities. Very important values that are being promoted as well are honesty and fairness.

Confidence is hugely important and built when children are responsible for the learning process, or a part of it, their ideas and opinions are valued by teachers and their classmates and it is acted upon their feedback. Studying in various countries, I was learning about the importance of risk-taking activities and the positive effects it can have on children´s confidence.

IB Reflective Activity 1

IB education provides international education to children and students from 3 to 19 years old in over 156 countries. There are over 5,000 schools offering 4 high-quality programmes:

  • Primary years programme (PYP)
    • Age range: 3-12
  • Middle Years Programme (MYP)
    • Age range: 11-16
  • Diploma Programme
    • Age range: 16-19
  • Career-related Programme
    • Age range: 16-19


There are similarities as well as differences with the Curriculum for Excellence, which is Scotland´s national curriculum since 2004 provided to students from 3 to 18 years old. Both curricula which are student-centred focus on helping students become open-minded, enthusiastic and lifelong learners. They also develop critical thinking, decision-making as well as creativity skills, much needed in today´s world. Confidence, persistence and resilience are significant attributes students acquire through both curricula. At Ballumbie Primary School, where I undertook my first placement, I have seen tasks and activities to support such skills. To develop these skills was also one of the goals throughout my education back home in the Czech Republic.

Lessons should be engaging, challenging and relevant to children´s everyday lives. Both curricula place a great emphasis on acquiring skills for students to be able to work together, communicate, listen to each other and understand the concept of cooperation. I have observed and taught lessons designed for cooperative groups. My mentor has taken a course in cooperative teaching, therefore, I was able to see how this particular teaching method worked. I was observing how working in groups, in this case cooperative groups, was helping children to learn from one another and discuss topics and issues together. It also encouraged children to feel as a part of a team and as such to bear a responsibility for the tasks needed to be done. This method also supported the ones less able as they had a chance to discuss everything in their teams before questions were asked or the whole-class discussion began. It also encouraged the more able ones to learn by explaining and demonstrating concepts to their classmates.

Both curricula encourage students to become responsible for their learning. “Knowledgeable” is an attribute highly important for both. However, IB curriculum is more globally focused allowing children to explore issues on a local as well as a global level. The IB curriculum is also more inquiry-based, which is a significant aspect for this curriculum. IB learners are taught through inquiry, action and reflection. Another important aspect of the IB curriculum is making links between various fields of study and therefore, allowing children to understand concepts from many different points of view. On top of that, it supports the development of intercultural understanding and respect towards each other and the ability to communicate and work together regardless where we all come from or what language we speak. IB schools work together and collaborate to connect various ideas. This help to create international. learning communities and therefore gives IB learners the opportunity to become more globally engaged through many different languages and cultures. CfE as well focuses on acquiring the knowledge and skills of another language through Modern Languages curricular area.




ICT – 2. input and TDT 2

We started the second input for ICT by watching a video to really understand how professional animations are made. It was incredible and mind-blowing to see how many pictures are needed for each second of the video.

Our task was to create an animation in a program called “Zu3D” using a camera, a microphone for adding music, background and characters made from plasticine. We were working in groups of 5.  For every movement of the character(s) we took 5 photos. When we wanted the characters to move quicker, we took less photo. I really enjoyed this activity and believe that children would enjoy it very much. Every child would have their own role – someone would be a director, someone would be working with a camera, someone playing the characters. As teachers, we need to make sure every child has a role and that we give step-by-step instructions for children to know what to do.

We came up with the story as we were working. However, a great way to link more lessons together would be to give children a task to create a story in a Literacy lesson, the background, the scenes and the characters in Arts and then the animation itself in an ICT lesson.


Maths – 3. input – TDT

After the third input, which focused on mental maths, our task was to investigate some mental maths materials. As a group, we found most of them very practical, useful and beneficial. I will use a lot of them in the classroom to enhance and promote understanding and problem-solving skills.

  • The “counters” is a great way to start learning counting – addition, subtraction and easier multiplication and division calculations. They can be easily used as a tool for a pair or group work to improve discussion and talk in Maths as well as a part of whole-class teaching. In early years stages, they can be used for better conceptual understanding of numbers when we first start with concrete objects to represent numbers and simple calculations and move on to illustrations after that. This is called the “concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) approach”.


  • Number fan is a great tool for calculations as well but especially for showing answers. It can be used during whole-class teaching or group work when for example two children give the calculation and the other two solve it and then show the answer with the number fan.


However, I find the Digit flips more effective for showing answers.


These mathematical tools are great for the demonstration and understanding of fractions, quarters and percentages. I would probably let children think (group work) first what these tools represent and and how we can use them in Maths lessons.


I really enjoy this tool illustrated on the left-hand side. They are great for introduction of more complicated calculations dealing with fractions and percentages. They can be used during the whole-class lesson as well as the group work. I would always encourage children to start with the mathematical process by writing everything down. When they become more used to such questions, they might be able to solve them mentally.

The tool on the right-hand side could be used as a warm up for the lesson during the introduction.



This tool is an effective way for chidren to practise their understanding of place value – units, tens and hundreds. I believe, this would be great for a pair work.


I believe that this tool might be used for understanding of place value as well, however, as a group, we agreed that this one might be very confusing for children.


Maths – 1. input and 1. TDT – Reflection

The first Maths input was very valuable in terms of discussing and thinking about the perception of Maths in the society and what teachers can do to promote and develop children´s understanding and application of Maths.

There are signs of the “Maths anxiety” in the society. Many people do not like Maths and did not enjoy it at school. A child´s parents often justify the child´s innumeracy by saying that they themselves were not good at Maths either. However, we should make innumeracy as unacceptable as illiteracy and as teachers we need to promote the understanding of Maths by providing children with opportunities to practise and enhance thinking, problem-solving skills and the application of knowledge gained in Maths lessons in various life situations.

We were introduced to many different kinds of tools we can use in Maths lessons such as show-me boards and games to reinforce the topic. We need to give children opportunities to talk, dicuss and explain the mathematical processes they use to get to the right anwer. When children have the option of discussing this with their peers, they listen to different methods of reaching a correct answer and it helps them understand the mathematical ideas more. We need to make it clear that often there are more ways how to get to the correct answer. As it is proven that discussing Maths helps us make sense of it, we need to incorporate more opportunities for children to discuss Maths in classroom e.g. questioning, pair/group work, interactive teaching. We also need to establish the kind of environment for children to be able to see that Maths is all around us – Maths wall and table, a problem of the week, to link mathematics into other curricular areas. As teachers, we should also create a positive learning environment for children to be able to explore, take risks, be creative, feel safe and supported and to know they can make mistakes and learn from them.

I really like this Chinese proverb as I very much believe in its message:

I hear, I forget.
I see, I remember.
I do, I understand.  


ICT – 1.input and TDT 1

The first input on ICT focused on the combination of music and creation of an animation. I found it really interesting to link the ICT to another subject of the curriculum. I believe that children would find it very exciting and enjoyable to create an animation based on a piece of music. It allows them to express their feelings and emotions and promote their art skills and creativity.

We created an animation in a program called the “Bush Ninja”.  I believe that this activity can be easily applied provided children have access to tablets or computers.

We also learnt how to work with a program called “Uz3D” which can be used to combine music with animation created in the classroom (we also need a camera). For this animation, we used small pieces of plastic blocks cut in various shapes to express the music piece. In my opinion, very clear and step-by-step instructions and guidance should be given to children during this task so that everyone knows what to do. However, I believe that children would have a great fun creating this animation. They would learn about sounds and how to express what they hear.

Dance – 1. input and TDT 1

During the first input, we were given many tips on how to teach dance in primary schools. However, these tips can be applied not only when teaching dancing.

A teacher can play some music in the background (music videos) while children are entering the classroom. This will set the mood and it might get children more excited and curious about what is going to happen on that day. I really like this approach and will definitely use it in the classroom. I experienced this method a few times and it certainly helped set the positive atmosphere in the classroom. While letting music play, I would be standing in front of the classroom and welcoming the children. I believe that this would help build the positive learning environment and make children feel welcome and and more excited for the learning.

It is very important to have discussions with children about various kinds of music and dances to promote their communication and listening skills. The teacher can play a music video and then let children discuss it in pairs – the performers and performance, style, moves, effects, light, etc. The whole class discussion will follow. This activity is great for children as it makes them think and explore the dance and music from a different point of view. In my opinion, discussions can greatly promote children´s understanding and thanks to sharing their ideas and opinions with peers, they all broaden their perspectives. The teacher can also suggest to try some of the moves they have seen in the music video. I believe it can be very exciting and enjoyable for children.

When teaching Dance, I would start with simple activities – playing music in background while giving instructions to move forward/backward, right/left, jumping on one/both legs, ..  I will definitely do the “Travelling moves“ activity with children. They would not only have fun but also enhance their communication skills, listening skills, problems-solving skills and creativity skills while trying to come up with as many travelling moves as possible in pairs. Later, when they need to choose one, they promote their decision-making skills. There are many options regarding activites based on these “ travelling moves“. I really liked when we created a circle, every pair was given a number and while listening to music, we “performed“ our travelling move, meeting each other in the centre of the circle and changing places. It was very dynamic. We then also joined another pair and created a mini performace based on the two moves of ours. This activity is also hugely linked with the The Expressive Arts – Experiences and Outcomes which place a great emphasis on exploring and choosing movements to create and and perform dance. ( It also stresses the importance of expressing ideas, thoughts and feelings through creative work in dance.

Physical activity is hugely important for children to have enough energy to learn and develop and keep their body in shape as well. Dance is not only about the moves and expressions but also about getting to know different cultures. It is also one of the Experiences and Outcomes ( to experience dance from a range of styles and cultures to become aware of the various dance features.