ICT – 1.input and TDT 1

The first input on ICT focused on the combination of music and creation of an animation. I found it really interesting to link the ICT to another subject of the curriculum. I believe that children would find it very exciting and enjoyable to create an animation based on a piece of music. It allows them to express their feelings and emotions and promote their art skills and creativity.

We created an animation in a program called the “Bush Ninja”.  I believe that this activity can be easily applied provided children have access to tablets or computers.

We also learnt how to work with a program called “Uz3D” which can be used to combine music with animation created in the classroom (we also need a camera). For this animation, we used small pieces of plastic blocks cut in various shapes to express the music piece. In my opinion, very clear and step-by-step instructions and guidance should be given to children during this task so that everyone knows what to do. However, I believe that children would have a great fun creating this animation. They would learn about sounds and how to express what they hear.

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