
Gathering Learning from around Scotland

April 22, 2015
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Worm Collecting

Today we were collecting worms for our wormery. We made up some rules to keep everything fair. In the photos below it is some of us collecting the worms. We had 20 mins and all together we collected 56 worms!! We only kept 10 of them or the wormery would be too crowded.

Worm Collecting     IMG_1341  IMG_1332

These photos are ones of everyone setting up the wormery and the worms being put in.

IMG_1379   IMG_1398  IMG_1391

April 17, 2015
Comments Off on Loose parts play… a theory.

Loose parts play… a theory.

Have you ever wondered why we have baskets with glass pebbles, chains, wee bits lying about? This is called loose parts play and it was developed in the 1970’s by an architect called Simon Nicholson who wrote the paper How NOT to Cheat Children The Theory of Loose Parts (1971).

In this journal article, Nicholson described the thinking behind the theory as “In any environment, both the degree of inventiveness and creativity, and the possibility of discovery, are directly proportional to the number and kind of variables in it.”

Basically, the more wee bits we have in the nursery, the higher the level of creativity, theorising , trying out and innovative thinking . I would add to that the level of engagement also rises.

That box and packaging that came with your new item that the children have spent hours playing with? Loose parts

The stones and leaves that are lined up, rearranged, lined up again? Loose parts

Chains that are constantly dropped in and out of the tin can? Loose parts

And on, and on, and on …

Nicholson also describes creativity as “the playing around with the components and variables of the world in order to make experiments and discover new things and form new concepts.”  In nursery, this is reflected in the way we are process focused and not product driven. It is absolutely fine NOT to have something to take home at the end of the day. It is also ok for children to work on something the whole morning and then they knock it all down and tidy it away. Finding out what happens when…?, what if I…?, how does that…?, I wonder if…? are all creative thinking processes and the way children make sense of the world through active play and involvement. They have to make mistakes. They have to have space and time to make these mistakes and learn from them. They have to experience and feel the emotion from those mistakes to make it real. When you think back, how difficult is it to recall all the good experiences in our lives? Now flip that and try to recall all the mistakes and bad things that have happened. Probably a whole lot more come to mind because as adults, we remember how hurt/sad/upset/annoyed/disappointed we were at the time. Did you plan to repeat the experience? Probably not because you learned from it. This is what children do through play.

Play is the work of children and as they are apprentice learners in this world, they must be allowed to make mistake after mistake after mistake ( unless its dangerous of course!!) until they understand the consequences of particular actions and inactions. Simply telling them is not useful, they need to experience disappointment so that they can work things out and transfer that learning to other areas of their play.

Although we have multifunctional  and plastic construction toys such as lego in nursery, the loose part resources are always the most popular. I remember years ago being at a training day where we had to sit with our eyes closed while the trainer passed round three toys, a plastic duck, a plastic train and a plastic hoopla stack. We all held it for a few minutes and then passed it on, slightly bored. Next she passed round a pumice stone, a natural sponge and a lemon. Still with our eyes closed, we spent a lot longer using our senses to explore and investigate the items, raising lots of conversation and debate about them. The course was facilitated by people who worked with blind children and adults and posed the question about the value of plastic toys… they all felt, smelled, tasted and sounded the same. What play value did that have for children regardless of their abilities? That was over 20 years ago… and it still resonates with me today and my passion for sensory play was born.

So,we are about to raise the level of loose parts play. Nicholson talks about variables. These are materials, shapes, people, plants, sounds, music etc etc… aka wee bits!

Please take a few minutes to watch this youtube clip and see the potential for loose parts play/sensory learning.

We will be posting a wish list soon and hopefully you can help us gather resources.



Video by Nicole Root. http://www.explorationsplaystudio.com.

March 19, 2015
by John
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Felt Making Tutorial

During Science Week we were learning about friction. We found out that friction is a force between two surfaces that are sliding, or trying to slide, across each other. The wool fibres are felted or fused together using moisture, friction and heat. As the wool shrinks the fibres interlock and mat together. You may have noticed that if a wool jumper is washed too hot in a washing machine it will shrink and felt! The wool fibres are layered out horizontally and vertically then soap and warm water are applied and the felt is massaged and rolled. It was challenging and very time consuming but we all enjoyed learning how to felt. We are really proud of our felt pieces but had sore and tired arms at the end! Watch Alana’s felt tutorial below for step by step instructions.

Here are some photos of the felting process:

Felting (10) Felting (12) Felting (17) Felting (3) Felting (6) Felting (8)

Some photos of our felted pieces:

DSCF3852 DSCF3854 DSCF3835 DSCF3849 DSCF3851DSCF3860

March 12, 2015
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China comes to Greenrigg!

The upper school classes were lucky enough to receive a visit today from Rong Rong MacLeod. Rong Rong was in to teach us all about Chinese New Year and Chinese culture.  We got to make Chinese New Year cards, money envelopes, calendars and Chinese lanterns. Rong Rong also played the Pipa for us and we […]

March 2, 2015
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Charles Rennie Mackintosh Inspired Artwork

The boys and girls in Room 14 have been learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Over the past few weeks they have been looking at his artwork and have created pictures in the style he used. This week they have created their own drawings inspired by Mackintosh’s most famous “Glasgow Rose” designs.

Have a look at some of their wonderful work!

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February 26, 2015
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Dinosaur Discoveries on Glow TV

On Tuesday, the afternoon group tuned into a live stream on Glow TV to learn about dinosaurs from the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. It was fascinating to look at artefacts from National Museums Scotland, such as dinosaur foot prints, poo and fossils on the Smartboard. We discovered that some dinosaurs walked on two legs […]

February 10, 2015
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Fire Pit Fun at BEYC

In February we are learning how to risk assess and responsibly make fires in our fire pit.  We are discovering how to safely toast and eat marshmallows, bread and cheese.  The children are developing their sense of personal safety while working well in teams. Lots of problem solving and mathematical and science concepts are being […]

January 22, 2015
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Wild Animals Art Gallery at Bathgate Early Years Centre

Inspired by the African art work of local artist Kirsten Harris and ‘Rumble In The Jungle’ story by Giles Andreae, children at Bathgate Early Years Centre have been busy creating beautiful pieces of art work of ‘Wild Animals’.  Children painted colourful backgrounds with a variety of paints and then looked for their animals in the […]

January 15, 2015
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Primary 2 and 2/1meet Magic Grandad

This week we were very excited to have a special visitor to our classes. Magic Grandad came to visit us with an album of photos from his school days. We can’t wait to find out what school was like when he was young. We hope our parents and grandparents will help us to find out […]

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