
Gathering Learning from around Scotland

June 12, 2015
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PE on Monday

On Monday we did P.E outside the school. We played circus catchie. Circus cachie is when two people are clowns and the others half to run away. If a clown catches you, you have to run around the circle and then you can play again. We played circus training. Circus training is when the worker has to run on the outside of the circle and the ringleader has to run on the inside of the circle and coach the worker. It was very tiring. We are working on fitness.

By Emer, P2

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June 12, 2015
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Awesome Habitat Week!

Our habitats are now well under construction! This week we have used our notes to work out what each minibeast would need from a habitat. We went searching in the school grounds for the materials we thought we would need. Some people also brought in extra things from home. Next, we planned our habitats carefully and have started to build them using our plans. Next week, we will be looking at each other’s habitats and giving feedback on how to improve the design, using our knowledge of minibeasts and what they need from their habitats. We want our habitats to be as good as they can be! When they are finished we will be taking them home and finding a good place outside to put them. Over the summer, we will be watching closely to see who moves in! Maybe we will add some pictures to the blog so Mrs. Ward can see!

Sam's habitat has something to suit all minibeasts!
Will's habitat for a ladybird is coming on well!
James' habitat for a beetle looks good.
Jacques made a habitat for all minibeasts
Jake's habitat for a snail is looking good!
Minibeast habitat development lab!
We went on a search to collect our supplies, categorised them then did our plans to show how we would use the materials we'd found to make suitable habitats.
Hamish found a friendly slug whilst searching for bark for his habitat!
Macy M found an old cocoon- I wonder what lived inside?
Joseph spotted the aphids on these nettle stems after watching a David Attenborough documentary about ladybirds and taking careful notes.
We were very excited to find these eggs on a nettle leaf- we think they could be ladybird eggs!
Gabe found this slippery slug on this old piece of roofing.

June 12, 2015
Comments Off on Circuits – Buzzer Games

Circuits – Buzzer Games

The children have been working very hard in class to learn about circuits. They have used a range of media to research about circuits and they have also had the opportunity to make their own circuits. Over the last week the children have been planning and designing their own circuit game. They wrote out their instructions on how to make and play the game and also drew out and labelled the circuit they would make.







June 11, 2015
Comments Off on SKILLIONAIRE


Our focus skill for this week is ANALYSE Pupils who have been demonstrating the skill of analysing in their learning this week are: Primary 1B Liliana G and Adam S Primary 1F Abbie Mc and Jordan Mc Primary 2/1 Lewis R and Zoe Mc Primary 2 Lewis S and Erica D Primary 3/2 Jack P and Kaiden […]

June 5, 2015
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From Caterpillar to Butterfly

How our little caterpillars have change over the last four weeks! Watch the video below- can you remember each stage of the butterfly’s life cycle? Soon our butterflies will lay eggs and the whole cycle will start again! The special word we learned for how the caterpillars change is metamorphosis. What other minibeasts have we studied that go through a metamorphosis?

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