
Gathering Learning from around Scotland

June 26, 2015
Comments Off on Our new Eco Greenhouse

Our new Eco Greenhouse

A huge well done to Mr Lund, Mrs Coutts and the Eco Club who have worked in partnership with New Caledonia Woodlands to build a fantastic Eco Greenhouse in the school grounds. Over the past few months the Eco Group have been encouraging the whole school community to save all their plastic bottles for this project. All […]

June 25, 2015
Comments Off on Papay celebrate with a barbecue!

Papay celebrate with a barbecue!

Well done to Papay who are our winning house this year. The children across the school have received points throughout the year for good behaviour, homework, lining up nicely outside, having Fairtrade snacks or for being caught as confident individuals, successful learners, responsible citizens or effective contributors. Papay received the most points throughout the year and chose […]

June 24, 2015
Comments Off on Achievement Certificates

Achievement Certificates

This year we have been celebrating achievement in school and out of school linked to the SHANARRI indicators. This helps pupils to reflect on their achievements and involves parents in the process. Each SHANARRI indicator (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible & Included) is represented by a different coloured jigsaw piece and these are […]

June 23, 2015
by John
Comments Off on Stane Primary Elections

Stane Primary Elections
















The boys and girls from Primary 5/6 and Primary 6/7 participated in the Stane elections yesterday.  The children have been working extremely hard during Interdisciplinary Learning and have learned about the features of an election. They created a manifesto and proudly paraded themselves and their party around the hall.  The boys and girls from the rest of the school came too.

June 22, 2015
Comments Off on Fun at Kelburn

Fun at Kelburn

On Thursday the boys and girls in Primary 6 had a fantastic trip to Kelburn Country Park near Largs. They had fun exploring the Secret Forest and on the adventure trail. They also had the chance to do some bushcraft!

Having fun in the outdoors
Having fun in the outdoors
This tree was blown down by the wind
This tree was blown down by the wind
Kelburn Castle in the background with its fabulous graffiti walls
Kelburn Castle in the background with its fabulous graffiti walls
Looking upstream
Looking upstream


I think they spied the witch in the Gingerbread House!
I think they spied the witch in the Gingerbread House!
On top of the Giant's castle
On top of the Giant’s castle
At the centre of the maze of the Green Man
At the centre of the maze of the Green Man
Sitting at the Giant's dining table
Sitting at the Giant’s dining table

June 19, 2015
Comments Off on This week in P5/4…

This week in P5/4…

Welcome to our latest blog entry. This week we have: * Continued work on proper and common nouns. * Been practicing our problem solving skills by organising data into a table to help us work out the correct answers. * Competed in sports afternoon on Tuesday and had a great time all working together in […]

June 16, 2015
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Outdoor Activities

Today we were outside planting and weeding. The vegetable plot is looking great! We have now planted potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, and turnip. The strawberries that we planted last year are looking really healthy … and we have also just put in pumpkins (hopefully to use at Hallowe’en!)

We are nearly finished covering the beds with netting to protect our crops from birds (or more importantly the rabbits we have!)  Hopefully when we come back after the summer holidays we will have a bumper crop!!


In addition we also had some fun outdoors enhancing our skipping and hula skills.


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