
Gathering Learning from around Scotland

November 13, 2015
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This week in P1S and P1W

This week has been a busy one…   We have been learning all about missing numbers in Numeracy, 2 new sounds (d and e) in Literacy and working on our Nativity performance.   This week we have also enjoyed learning about Percy the Park Keeper and his animal friends. We read about the Hedgehog’s Balloon […]

November 13, 2015
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P6 News

P6 had the opportunity to visit Peat Moss this week and explore the bog, linking to their previous topic of climate change. The class went out in the morning and investigated ph levels of the soil and water in the bog and explored an area of the bog for living things. After lunch the children […]

November 13, 2015
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What has been going on in P5 this week.

PE this week we had the opportunity to play volleyball with Mrs. Logan. In pairs the children worked on catching and throwing skills. We have started getting ready for our assembly with P4 and P5/4. We hope to see you there. The 27th November 2015. In Numeracy we have been working on place value.We even managed […]

November 13, 2015
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Primary 2

In maths we did a survey about pets then we made a bar graph and a pictograph. We used tally marks to do the survey.  – Aleisha, Freya, Alex. We have been putting numbers in order to 20 – Aleisha We have been matching names to numbers to 20 – Warren We have been finding […]

November 13, 2015
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Primary 2B

This week in class we have been learning: -About the Owl who was afraid of the dark – Tia -The owl is called Plop and cannot fly – Abbie -We have been practising our lines for our assembly next week – Brooke -We have been learning about displaying information on graphs – Jack   Primary […]

November 13, 2015
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Our Exciting Week!!!

Last term we were learning about the Post Office. We wanted to write a letter to a famous person. We had a vote and decided to write to the Queen to ask her some questions. ON WEDNESDAY WE GOT A REPLY!!!!!!! We got a letter from the Queen’s Lady-in-waiting along with some leaflets to learn […]

November 12, 2015
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Hitting the Bottle Workshop

Today a lady came from Summerlee to speak to rooms 12, 13 and 14 on the dangers of alcohol. We took part in drama activities showing what would happen if we drank too much. Here is the video.

We also got to try on beer goggles and see how difficult it was to walk in a straight line and kick a ball when you’ve had too much alcohol.

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