Mental Health Support

Below you will find various information about supports available to help promote positive mental health. Remember, your pastoral care teacher is available Mon-Fri to help and listen to your concerns. Email them through glow or call the school (01415820200).

If you are worried, speak to someone- a friend, family member, a helpline (see below) or you can call NHS24 on 111

If you are in distress, or in need of urgent help, please make sure you speak to someone.

Pupil Counselling Service:

Our counsellors Ross and Clare are continuing to offer a telephone counselling service for the duration of the school closure – this is available to all Rosshall pupils, whether they have previously had counselling or not. Please complete the information requested on the Contact Counselling Service link here to contact them directly and they will get back to you.

Mental Health Support & Advice (for pupils)




Samaritans provides confidential non-judgmental emotional support for anyone who is struggling to cope – you don’t have to be suicidal.

The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Call: 116 123
Text: 07725 90 90 90



Breathing Space

Breathing Space is a free, confidential phoneline service for any individual who is experiencing low mood and depression, or who is unusually worried and in need of someone to talk to.

Lines are open:

Weekdays: Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am
Weekend: Friday 6pm-Monday 6am



NHS 24

NHS 24 is a call centre operated by the NHS to provide patients with health advice and help over the phone when your usual GP services aren’t available. Referrals can also be made over the phone to crisis support and other mental health professionals outwith normal GP practice working hours.

Call: 111 or if you think you need an emergency ambulance, call 999 and speak to the operator.




ChildLine Scotland

ChildLine is a counselling service for children and young people. You can contact ChildLine anytime and in these ways; You can phone, send an email, have a 1-2-1 chat, send a message to Ask Sam and you can post messages to the ChildLine message boards. Visit the website to find out more.

Call: 0800 1111

Mental Health Support & Advice (for parents)