College 2024

College Application Support (Updated 11th Jan 2024)

It is really important that you apply for college as early as possible. Below are a loist of local colleges and their websites. I (Mr Clelland) am here to support you and can be found in pastoral care or via glow email.

Clyde College: 

City of Glasgow College: 

Kelvin College: 

West College Scotland:

If you plan to apply to any of the colleges, please register with them now as their systems can struggle when applications open. Make sure you have accessed some of the supports below:

Below is a video walkthrough of applying to college (note- can take a while to load). Please take some time to watch and feel free to skip to the relevant bits for you.

Below are two PowerPoints regarding applying for college. The first breaks down the different levels of college qualifications and the second is provided by the careers advisors.

Mr Clelland: