Financial Support Info

Financial Support & Advice at Rosshall Academy

In partnership with Glasgow City Council and the financial advice charity Gemap ( our dedicated financial support officer, Sharon Graham (pictured), can support families with any financial matters, including:

  • EMA
  • Free School Meals
  • Clothing Grants
  • Government Benefits (she can make sure you are receiving all benefits available to you)
  • Managing debt
  • any other financial matter

Advice is professional and confidential.

Sharon can also arrange a translator, should this be required.

Call the Gemap office on 0141 773 5850  or send an email to her address

Sharon needs your name, address, date of birth and  phone number to start and what the enquiry is. Please have all income details and information about your household ready for the telephone appointment.


You can also contact Mr Clelland (Principal Teacher of Family Engagement) at the school if you would rather speak to a staff member:

School Meals and Clothing Grants

All school meals,. including Free Meals, are accessed/ paid for through the Parnet Pay system. See here for details.

  1. Online at the link below. You will need to set up a ‘mygov’ account and follow the instructions to apply. 
  2. On paper– The application form can be downloaded, printed and sent off. You will find the from here

Note- If you applied for Free School Meals after Primary 3 (ie Primary 4 and above) you do not need to apply again- pupils will have access to Free Meals until the end of secondary school.

However, you DO need to apply if:

  • You are new to the school and have moved from a different council
  • Your personal circumstances have changed and you would now like access to Free School Meals
  • You have arrived from another country
  • You are an asylum seeker

Clothing Grants

Are applied online using the same process as Free School Meals:

You will find a clothing grant guide here

Glasgow Life Family Finance Support: