I have now attended University for 2 weeks, Week 1 was Induction while Week 2 was classes, attending various lectures and workshops while also making many friends who I will be with for the next 4 years. Already I am enjoying my time at UWS and I cannot wait to see what the year brings as there are subjects which are different from what I have previously studied at school and college (such as Spanish as I have previously learned French) and some which are similar like Situated Communications. These new experiences will help me to further my knowledge and help me to become the best teacher I can be.
I am really looking forward to going back into a placement as the past 2 years in NC Early Education and Childcare and HNC Childhood Practice, I attended placement twice a week from September until June. These were both great experiences as I had to create lessons for groups of children at Nursery Level, Primary 2 and the Primary 4/5’s. I am excited to get back into the classroom and have first hand experiences working with children. I also like to see the differences between the school environments as last year my school took part in the PAThS Curriculum which I had never experienced before. I also like to gain knowledge from teachers which will help me to adapt my own teaching methods. I can already tell that I will enjoy this experience in October/November.
I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year brings!