The Official Curriculum
The ‘Official Curriculum’ is the planned programme of objectives, content, learning experiences, resources and assessment offered by a school. Also named the ‘Formal Curriculum’.
The Hidden Curriculum
The ‘Hidden Curriculum’ involves all the incidental lessons that students learn at school. Includes the lessons of behaviour, personal relationships, the use of power and authority, competition, sources of motivation, etc. that are also learned. Also called the ‘Unofficial Curriculum’.
The Experienced Curriculum
The ‘Experienced Curriculum’ is the formal learning actually experienced by students. It is more concerned with the learners; what experiences, knowledge and perspectives they bring; their ability to learn; and their interactions with the curriculum.
Content Knowledge
‘Content Knowledge’ is the facts, concepts, theories and principles taught and learned in school.
Pedagogic Content Knowledge
‘Pedagogic Content Knowledge’ is a type of knowledge that is unique to teachers. It is based on the manner in which teachers relate their pedagogical knowledge- what they know about teaching- to their subject matter knowledge- what they know about what they teach.
Curricular Knowledge
‘Curricular Knowledge’ refers to a teacher’s understanding of their school’s learning programmes.