Our Vision, Values and Aims have been created in conjunction with the UN Convention on the rights of the child and we believe these rights underpin our practice.
Article 28 You have the right to good quality education
Article 29 Your education should develop your talents and abilities
Our VISION for EVERYONE at Riverbank Primary School and Nursery Class
- Everyone at Riverbank will feel happy, nurtured, safe and included.
- Everyone will be encouraged and challenged to always be their best self.
- Together we will promote a love of learning, in an innovative environment, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
At Riverbank Primary School and Nursery Class we AIM to:
- Work as a team and build a family, where everyone can shine.
- Listen, accept and embrace differences.
- Recognise learning is not just for today but forever.
- Always try to improve and reach for the stars, keep trying!
Our School Rules are simple!
Respect Ourselves
Respect Each Other
Respect Our Place