As a large school and nursery class we have a team of people with leadership and management responsibility for different aspects of school life.
The Depute Head Teacher and Principal Teachers are ‘Departmental Leads’ for delegated classes and are the first point of contact for parents/carers who need any assistance or have a question, comment or complaint about any aspect of their child’s schooling.
For 2024/25, the Department Leads are:
- Nursery and Primary 1 and Primary 2/1: Mrs Roberta McAvoy (Depute Head Teacher)
- Primary 2- Primary 4: Mrs Karen Johnston (Principal Teacher)
- Primary 5- Primary 7: Mrs Helen Paterson (Head Teacher)
Our staff/classes are as follows:
Primary 1C Mrs A Clement
Primary 1H Mrs E Halkett
Primary 2/1 Mrs J O’Donnell/ Miss H Fraser (Friday)
Primary 2H Miss S Hanlon/ Miss MM Williams
Primary 3/2 Mrs C Craney
Primary 3D Mrs B Dougall
Primary 4/3 Mrs V Laird/ Miss H Fraser (Monday)
Primary 4C Mrs Y Cross
Primary 4H Mrs C L Harley/ Mrs G Leggat
Primary 5Sh Mrs M Shaw
Primary 5Sm Mrs A Smith
Primary 6C Mr M Cookman
Primary 6N Mrs S Newall
Primary 7/6 Miss M Urquhart
Primary 7S Mr I Sidlo
Miss Williams and Miss Fraser will be offering support in Literacy and Numeracy, across P2-4/3 and supports in Nurture and Health and Wellbeing. Mrs Steele and Mrs Bonner will also be supporting children across Primary 4-7 for Literacy and Numeracy Interventions.
Miss Smyth will be providing Non Class Contact Time across the school.
Mrs Muir, Miss McClory and Mrs Murnin work in our school office, providing administrative support. The clerical staff are available to help deal with any enquiries you may have. Mrs Adam, Mrs Dick and Mrs Docherty provide invaluable support for the children in the classrooms and in the playground.