Tag Archives: Professions

Français- Semaine 1 Tr2


In french this week my lecturer introduced the topic of professions. Using the interactive whiteboard we watched videos of fluent french speakers online speaking about the topic of professions. Along with the lecturer I repeated various professions such as teacher, police man, etc. I then has the chance to describe and speak about my profession to allow me to work on my fluency of french and describe to the rest of the class what I do for example, I am a student at University of west of Scotland.  She then provided us with information on this topic that will help us with placements in the future when teaching in the high end of the primary school.

Furthermore, this week I received my results from an assessment before christmas and got A’s on every outcome. This has boosted my confidence a lot in my french class as I feel that I have progressed well since the beginning of trimester 1 and showed that my commitment and studying I have put into french has paid off. After having received our results along with the lecturer and the class we went through the marking criteria and also the answers to questions people got wrong. I found this beneficial as I can work on the areas that I need to develop as well as identify my areas of strength. Overall, this lecture has allowed me to discover my weaker areas of french and my strengths to be able to bring these set of skills to a classroom in the future or on placement.