Tag Archives: OneDrive


To begin I really loved this weeks class in digital technology, I feel I am finally becoming at heart with technology and learning the many different programmes available to teachers in the 21st Century, its amazing!

This week I finally finished off personalising my blog and making it my own! I feel that I am becoming more at ease with blogging and have started to write a few posts already(as you can see)! In addition to this we explored the programme OneDrive which contains various different sites that we could visit. To begin we explored the file word and created multi- author files and sharing documents which myself and a partner was bale to edit at the same time from different computers. I found this a very useful tool that I could use when on placement or in the future with pupils in the classroom when creating a story or building instructions for a project. Pupils will have high engagement and motivation in this tool as they don’t have to wait on their turn come up to the board and edit the document one at a time which is very time consuming. With this resource pupils will all be included and hopefully be able to create a successful outcome. After spending time on this we moved onto another useful tool called Yammer which is imbedded in the website glow, I have previously used Glow in school and luckily had some knowledge on this. Along with the rest of the class we set up a group for the BA1 students who chose to take the digital technologies class. This group will be useful to have discussions about assignments or new blog posts to allow everyone to contribute. I felt this tool was also very interesting and started to give me ideas for when it comes to having a class of my own. I will be able to set up a page with my class to post reminders or homework that the pupils can check daily. This site also allows the group to be kept private to stop various other people commenting on them, which is a good resource for a teaching classroom. Lastly, I explored Wiki and created a private page for myself to put to practice when in a teaching environment. Wiki allows teachers to post events and projects for learners to allow them to again see homework, submissions, class tests dates etc. This will allow pupils to keep track of tests and homework and refrain from losing homework diaries for example. Wiki will also allow myself to post materials for learners to look over and gain access to at home.

Overall, personally I feel that OneDrive is a very useful resource that can be used in classrooms for active learning. All tools within Onedrive can be set to private to prevent unnecessary students or people to mis-treat the page. In the future when using this resource I will ensure I talk to my class about the importance of internet safety and ensure they use the resource to an advantage. I throughly enjoyed using this resource and will definitely use it in my classroom as a teacher. onedrive