Tag Archives: Different

Outdoor Learning and Digital Technologies

Before this input, I never really took into consideration technology and outdoors as a match. Growing up I was also made to believe that technology was used indoors and in some cases prevented people from going outdoors. This is heard constantly in today’s generation of parents moaning about the amount of time their children spend indoors glued to technology when they should be outdoors exploring the fresh air. However, from Tuesdays input I have now learned that in fact this moan of parents can be prevented by the use of technology for outdoor learning. Children can use their knowledge of digital technology to enhance their learning and understanding by going outdoors in a new environment.

In this tutorial, in small groups we completed 3 tasks using digital technology and the outdoor environment. To begin with my group and I used an iPad to access the Photo Booth app to take pictures of mini-beats using the thermal setting to learn about their body temperature which could potentially be part of a science lesson. Secondly, within this task we took pictures of landscapes using the mirror setting to explore symmetry using real life examples. The second task was similar however using the app Pic Collage we created multiple collages of pictures of objects we came across outdoors. For example, examining the different types of leafs or using pine cones to represent the two times table, I found this a very unique clever way of reinforcing pupils learning by using different objects to show an understanding. Lastly, unfortunately this task never went as smoothly as originally planned however, as I have learned from my lecturer we as educators must always have a plan B( always!). Due to Scotland’s unpredictable weather we has to complete the last task indoors. A treasure hunt was made around the university campus which required my group and I to use the QR reader app to find questions then try and choose the correct answer. In the end if all the correct answers were made the letters spelt out a word. As an adult I found this task quite challenging but extremely interesting and a new way of presenting problems for children to solve by themselves. At any age the excitement of a treasure hunt is scarily high!

This has highlighted to me that outdoor learning can be based around several curriculum topics whether it be science or mathematics. Children are building on their existing knowledge by exploring outdoors and expanding their understanding and discovery. Jackie Gerstein explores in a blog post, many ways of how digital technology can be used outdoors for learning as well as the technology devices which could be used. To name a few Jackie suggests using mobile devices which could have access to video and audio recordings along with taking photographs. She also explains the use of scanning and accessibility features. I feel that this proves the huge range of devices that can be used outdoors and can increase children’s learning in a different way other than sitting in the classroom. Before hand, I never really took into consideration the  extent to which technology could be used outdoors and how exciting it would be for learners to explore outdoors. Within Jackie Gersteins blog post a Youtube video is posted that shows teachers discussing the positives of outdoor learning and digital technology. The reality of the world is that learners are at nature with technology and are more comfortable with technology than they are exploring outdoors. However, what better way than to introduce digital technology to their learning experience outdoors which increases their attainment and of course their standard of work produced.

In addition to this, the Cfe document on outdoor learning name various benefits of outdoor learning many in which agree with what I have said above. First being outdoor learning can raise attainment levels, improve behaviour and reduce cases of ADHD. Personally I can agree with this, during my one week placement in BA1 the teacher I worked along side gave her learners a chance to go outside to calm down and release their energy before siting down to do hand writing for example. This teacher knew her class struggled at this particular subject and therefore knew that by taking them outdoors for a short period of time would reduce their energy levels and allow them to gain concentration when they returned to the classroom. After my experience of being outdoors during this input I felt more motivated and concentrated once I returned to the class which shows that young learners could potentially feel the same. The document also mentions the use of residential trips that I unfortunately never got to experience at primary school. The document highlights that by going on residential trips can bring people together as well as gaining responsibility. For many learners this could be the first time away from home therefore, responsibility and independence would be needed at all times. As well as this these trips allows young people to really get to know each other as well as teachers seeing their pupils in a different form of light that could help when returning to the classroom to teach.

Overall, I feel outdoor learning and digital technology is something I will definitely think about using in the future as a teacher. I love the excitement and how interested I was when completing the tasks in this input and really hope that one day I could reflect this upon the learners in my classroom to gain new discoveries and understandings.


“Learning outside the classroom is about raising young people’s achievement through an organized, powerful approach to learning in which direct experience is of prime importance.”