Tag Archives: Coding

Coding- a new way of learning!


scratchjrAs you can see from my last post in this weeks digital technology class we were learning about coding programs and how these can enhance learning and teaching within schools. To begin with we shared our thought about coding and why this would benefit the learners today. A few benefits we thought about was the ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy today. Technology is an increasing material being used in literacy children must learn to involve themselves in the technology and become aware of the new programs available to them. A second benefit is when people learn to code they learn strategies for solving problems, designing projects and communicating ideas. Therefore it is clear that coding is a new way of engaging with peoples and building on their learning. Sophie Curtis a writer for The Telegraph believes that digital technology namely coding, develops ranges of skills across the curriculum. I agree with Sophie when she explains that children of a weaker ability or children who don’t have a great set of skills at a certain subject can express themselves using coding. This will have a great advantage on a number of learner’s literacy and numeracy skills and will automatically boost their confidence when they are involved by this. By reading this article I truly feel that this programme will engage learners and give them the best learning experience possible through technology.

We were then introduced to  the programme ‘ScratchJr’ which is a program that enables young children to create their own games and interactive stories. We were given the chance to explore the programme for ourselves. Having never used this programme before I found it very beneficial as it aloud me to create and think about when I could use it and for what subject. I found it rather interesting and addictive as I could make up a lesson on almost anything which shows that pupils could express their knowledge and understanding of certain subjects and topics through this program.

In addition to this, we were then given the chance to create our own set of instructions to support teachers using coding in the classroom. Following on from my last post where I posted the set of  instructions, I created instructions for teachers to use coding when teaching learners to spell and count. I felt these instructions were beneficial as they had clearly marked out stages and had graphics to show exactly how the programme should look.

I found this class very exciting and interesting as it gave me the chance to create my own game first before going on to give an explanation of how other teachers could do it. I feel I would be able to use ScratchJr effectively in a classroom on placement and in the future as a student primary teacher.

I am really looking forward to next weeks class!
