Ideology and Prejudice

On the 6th of March within the Society and lifestyles lecture  we learned about Ideology and Prejudice. Explaining the term ‘Prejudice’ would give quite a complex explanation. To my understanding, prejudice are actions that are mostly always negative where assumptions or ideas are made which tend to be stereotypical towards certain groups of people or individuals. If I were to be more specific about the meaning of prejudice then it would be aimed more at negative feelings or opinions towards others all centred around a particular race, gender, sex, religion, disability, language, and nationality. These are all examples of prejudice which are commonly identified in modern society today and impact on individual’s lives massively. These judgements that are made are usually not a result of actual experience or reason.

Discrimination is usually a result of an individual acting on their prejudice too much. This results in the individuals behaviour or actions to be mostly negative which is aimed at another individual or group of people. This is mainly directed on factors such as social class, race, sex and many more. This is where there is a difference between prejudice and discrimination as someone can be prejudiced towards a particular group but do not discriminate against them.

Social and cultural literacy is very important for all individuals to experience as it gives us a feel of social responsibility and also displays active citizenship in people. Experiencing and having social and cultural literacy allows individuals to be more familiar with things such as discrimination and prejudice.

Subcultures are groups which have values and norms which are distinct from those held by most individuals in society. Culture makes up a society’s expression through beliefs and material things. There are many examples of culture such as language, ideological values, gender roles, religion and artistic expression emphasised through things such as paintings. Society directly refers to individuals who communicate and interact with a shared culture. Within every society there may be many different cultures, and also many different subcultures. Subcultures are values and norms which are unique from those of the majority and are held in groups within a wider society. Subcultures include things such as hippies, goths, bikers etc.

Social Norms are common expectations related to behaviour that are known as to be culturally and socially fascinating and acceptable. Norms are customary but lack the formal status of rules. A wide variation can be seen within these norms across societies, groups and cultures. Social Norms can also be seen to influence discrimination and prejudice in society.

Conformity and Non conformity is evident when individuals act in particular ways, this can be seen as a result of pressure from groups and this can either be real life and experiences or imagined by the individual(s).

Worldview is a set of coordinated and an accepted set of ideas which attempt to describe the social, cultural and the physical world such as the people around us in everyday life in society.

Ideology refers to a set of beliefs that are held by an individual, a group or society. This can be explained as a collection of unconscious and conscious ideas which can impact on individuals goals, beliefs, motivations and expectations within society. This term specifies to the body of rules, myths, symbols which are held by a certain group that mentors group and individual actions or behaviours.




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