As the first year of placement is fast approaching, I have an overwhelming feeling of excitement and additionally feeling anxious as it is a whole new experience.
I have a small amount of experience of working with primary aged children; such as doing my work experience in a local primary school and also volunteering in an Additional Support Needs class in my last year of high school. Whilst I am looking forward to my first year of placement in October, I am also feeling nervous as I know I will be faced with new challenges that I have not had to deal with before.
I am interested to see after the two weeks of placement how I will assess myself, looking at my strengths and areas of development. Having the chance to observe a teacher during the placement will give a real insight into what it’s like having your own class.
Using these blog posts will allow me to record any progress made over the next 4 years, and therefore I will be able to reflect back to them at anytime to compare my strengths and weaknesses from the previous years.