Goals for Education in the Race Equality Framework

Goals for Education in the Race Equality Framework

Our key goals:

  • Innovative, inclusive and effective approaches to education (whether through teaching or pupil support) which take account of the individual needs and experiences of pupils in all ethnic groups are embedded throughout Scotland’s education system.
  • Minority Ethnic pupils are provided with careers guidance that helps to improve transition into employment and tackles occupational segregation in relation to race.
  • Minority Ethnic pupils have confidence in, and are effectively supported by, approaches in schools to prevent and respond to prejudice-based bullying and racist behaviour or incidents.
  • Scotland’s educators are confident and empowered to promote equality, foster good relations and prevent and deal with racism.
  • Scotland’s education workforce better reflects the diversity of its communities.
  • Minority Ethnic people experience better outcomes in completing further and higher education, and in transitioning to the labour market after completion.

Scottish Government ‘Race Equality Framework for Scotland 2016-30