Diversity in the Teaching Profession and Education Workforce

The Diversity in the Teaching Profession and Education Workforce sub group is one of four workstreams within the Anti-Racism in Education Programme.

The purpose of the DITPEW subgroup is to build on the work led by Professor Arshad and the Diversity in the Teaching profession Working Group from 2018-2021, specifically building on the recommendations from the original report Diversity in the Teaching Profession: increasing and retaining minority ethnic teachers in Scotland’s schools, and the more recently published Teaching in a diverse Scotland – increasing and retaining minority ethnic teachers: 3 years on.


The sub group has a vision that Scotland’s education workforce, at all levels, reflects and supports the racial diversity of modern Scotland, thereby enriching the education experience for the whole school community.


The activities presently proposed under this workstream may be classified into three categories:

  • improve support for the Black and minority ethnic workforce within Scottish Education
  • work with the Scottish Council of Deans of Education in supporting enactment for their framework for anti-racism within Initial Teacher Education and support institutions to take forward actions that will increase the number of Black and minority ethnic applicants, entrants and qualifiers
  • collect, collate and analyse data relating to the ethnic diversity of Scotland’s education workforce. This includes identifying and addressing where gaps exist and considering what actions can be taken to improve data quality. Using this data to inform the actions of the wider Anti-Racism in Education Programme

This image depicts two children playing outdoors.