We have been discussing how to keep safe from germs by washing out hands regularly. 🦠 We participated in a hand washing experience in the water tray, washing the hands properly to ensure there were no germs. 🧼 We have also been discussing our mental health and emotions, exploring how we feel each day. We have shown this by making self portraits using our transient art, we looked into the mirror and talked about if our faces looked happy, sad, angry etc. 😁
This week in the expressive area, the children have shown an interest in mark making. To support this interest, we have been designing tiles for a tile gallery to showcase the children’s lovely work. We have been using acrylic paint pens and tiles to design our own individual tiles. 🎨
We have continued to explore our interest in mark making as we have been mark making with a variety of materials. We have been mark making with paint and chopsticks this week, some of the children have also been mark making by dipping their fingers into the paint.
We have continued to explore our interest in mark making as we have been mark making with a variety of materials. We have been mark making with paint and chopsticks this week, some of the children have also been mark making by dipping their fingers into the paint.
This week in the Expressive Area, the children have continued to show an interest in babies and caring for babies. We have explored changing the babies nappies and dressing the babies this week, the children have really enjoyed learning some of the skills required to look after a baby. 🍼