Acorn Room
This week we provided our acorns with experiences that supported Burns night.
The children were keen to create their own tartan. A few children created their own and a few children copied a few patterns.
The children decorated the Loch Ness monster. With support a few of the children were able to identify the colours or Pom, Pom’s “A blue one” and “my favourite colour is this one, pink”. We tried the traditional Scottish dinner with vegetarian haggis. The children communicated their likes and dislikes with the tasting experience. At group time we incorporated learning traditional songs. The children were keen to shake the props on the parachute to the song Katie Beardie. 🏴
Story Corner
We have been learning all about Robert Burns this week. His poems have become an extremely important part of Scottish culture. The children have enjoyed all the facts about him and trying out some of the Scottish words in the poems. We also explored some other things we do to celebrate Burns day, foods we eat and clothes we wear.
STEM area
This week in the STEM area we have been exploring density though our sink and float experiment. The children helped select some fruit, veg and loose parts to do the experiment with. We used our turn taking and listening skills while having lots of fun predicting whether each item would sink our float.
We found out that an orange floats with its skin on but sinks with it off! We also discovered a tiny grape sinks! The children were very excited that the weight of the item did not determine whether it would sink or float.
At the end of the experiment we counted together to find out how many items we had in our sink box, how many in our float box and also which was the higher number. 🍊 🍌 💦 🍇 🫑 🍐
Home Corner
This week in the home corner the children have been making orange juice. The children have been using the juicer to squeeze the oranges 🍊
The children have also been enjoying doing some baking in the home corner. The children have been measuring the amounts of the ingredients to make and decorate some lovely cakes.🎂
Woodwork area
This week in woodwork we were running a little low on wood so we decided to use to the saw to cut some bigger pieces into smaller ones 🪚. We used a ruler to measure how long each bit was going to be and marked it using a ruler and a pencil ✏️.
Courtyard – Block Play
This week in the construction area, the children have been focusing on building small structures, specifically for superheroes 🦸♂️ 🦸♀️ working as a team, the children created excellent structures that contained many important features that superheroes need- “a gym, a bed and tall stairs” what else could a superhero need? The children confidently discussed their ideas together and worked hard to creative their image. Super work everyone!
This week in the courtyard we have been talking about Scotland, Scottish words and the Scottish flag. We have have explored colours, porridge oats, songs and sounds.
Snack/Baking area
This week we have been exploring Robert Burns day. We tasted different Scottish food such as potato scones and haggis, neeps and tatties. We made our own shortbread, carefully cutting it into thin fingers.
We linked our fruit kebabs to look like tartan. Copying the colours of the tartan for each piece of fruit.
Forest School
At forest school this week we have been focusing on whittling. The children had to use great concentration and listening skills and risk assess the activity, making sure to keep themselves safe
As the weather has been cold we discovered lots of big chunks of ice in our garden. We decided to use this as a canvas for painting! The children used blue and red paint mixing this together to create purple.