Animation ‘breathes life into something that wouldn’t normally move’ (Moving Image Education, 2016). During todays lesson, we were looking at animation. By the end of the lesson we were to feel confident in successfully using own expertise in creating an animation programme. Specifically, we were looking at puppet pals and iStop motion. I firmly agree with (Beauchamp, 2012)- Animation is a great way of opening up multiple paths for teaching as there is wide range of animation tools used in classrooms.
Puppet pals app is very limited to what we can use as most features cost money which isn’t ideal when using the ipads in uni. I would say this app is ideal for early years as it is very basic- the characters are all fictional and include fairy-tale settings- which will keep younger children satisfied. Do not be fooled- Istop motion is a sequence of pictures that creates the illusion of a moving image – this can play tricks on our eyes (Jarvis 2015.) An animation brings something to life effectively. There are five main types of animation which include:
- Cutout – This form of animation is said to be the simplest form.
- Stop-motion – plasticine models
- Pixilation – humans become the puppets
- Drawn – classical Disney animation which is obviously very complex.
- Computer – further known as CGI and found in games and movies.
(Moving Image Education)
Todays lesson consisted of us using stick figures to create a short imovie. While experimenting with this app, we used a street format for the background and created the illusion of the stick figure walking down the street. We changed the figure to suit the next image accordingly.
Today we linked the task to the experiences and outcomes:
- I explore and discover different ways of representing ideas in imaginative ways. TCH 0-11a
- I can explore and experiment with digital technologies and can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts – TCH 1-1a.
At the end of this weeks session. Me and my group decided to brainstorm ideas for next weeks lesson so we were prepared and could start visualizing this. Natural disasters was our topic of choice. We began researching facts and statistics about tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes etc. Next week I am keen to do well and feel we will produce a well thought out project!
Our creations:
Jarvis, M. (2015) Brilliant Ideas for Using ICT in the Classroom: A Very practical Guide for Teachers and Lecturers.Routledge.
Moving Image Education website: [Online]