Week 11- A final farewell

Wow… what an unbelievably amazing 12 weeks. I can’t believe the insight we have had into multiple forms of technology I have never had the chance to utilise such as istopmotion and active inspire. I can confidently say I am impressed with what I have learned and am able to take away with me. This module has developed our strengths and weaknesses as individuals. We were all able to bring something to digital technologies. I have enjoyed watching everyone improve over the journey and will miss coming to the mac lab every Tuesday morning! Surprisingly enough. This module has taught me

  1. Not everyone is born “digitally native” but we can strive to become this.
  2. Planning is key! However, we all make mistakes and that’s okay but most importantly we need to learn from our errors.
  3. Teamwork makes the dreamwork! I have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside my peers every step of the way to support my journey and would not have got through it without them.

After this module, I am keen to keep up to date with current initiatives implemented in schools. I will continue to read to keep up to date with my knowledge as we are the future teachers of this generation and they are depending on us! I am keen to become a teacher meeting the (Scottish government 2016) requirements to be successful in the modern classroom.


Scottish Government (2016) Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through the Use of Digital Technology: A Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government [Online] Available: http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0050/00505855.pdf


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