An objective is something which an organisation aims to achieve. Some objectives are common to all types of organisation while others may depend on the sector of the economy.
Make a profit
Private sector organisations aim to make profit by generating more sales revenue than their operating costs. Social enterprises aim to make a profit to reinvest to support environmental or social aims.
Provision of a Service
Organisations in all sectors of the economy want to provide a high quality good or service, as this will lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction (see earlier notes for benefits).
Public and third sector organisations aim to provide essential services which might not be accessible to some consumers. Healthcare, housing, education are examples of services which the private sector may not provide in sufficient quantities or at an affordable price.
Social or environmental responsibility
Organisations aim to improve their public image by showing ethical and environmental responsibility.
Private sector organisations may make donations to good causes or avoid damaging the environment. This can increase running costs in the short term but enhance their reputation with customers in the long term.
Public sector organisations must ensure that the voting public are kept on side. Social enterprises are obliged to operate in this way.
All organisations aim to continue to operate in the short and long term. They aim to keep trading, to continue to offer essential services, or to continue to promote a belief or offer an opportunity.
Customer Satisfaction
An organisation that can provide customer satisfaction will experience loyal customers and a good reputation. See earlier notes.
Increase market share
Many organisations aim to increase their customer base to earn more profits or to meet the needs of more people.
Enterprise / innovation
Organisation in all sectors of the economy will want to come up with new and improved ideas for their products – either in pursuit or profit or to improve the quality of service and choice for consumers.