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Course Content

  • Unit 1 – Understanding Business
  • Unit 2 – Management of Marketing
  • Unit 3 – Management of Operations
  • Unit 4 – Management of People
  • Unit 5 – Management of Finance

Understanding Business

This unit will include the following:

  • Role of business in society
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Types of business organisations
  • Business Objective
  • External factors affecting a Business
  • Internal factors affecting a Business
  • Stakeholders Interest in and influence

Management of Marketing

This unit will include the following:


Management of Operations

This unit will include the following:


Management of People

This unit will include the following:


Management of Finance

This unit will include the following:


Unit Assessments

There is be an assessment at the end of each unit.


  • Course Assignment – 25% of final marks (X/30)


This is a written theory Exam

  • The exam will be based on the knowledge and understanding from all units
  • Question Paper – 75% of final marks