South West Education Improvement Collaborative

The South West Education Improvement Collaborative consists of 4 local authorities:

East Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway, North Ayrshire and South Ayrshire.

Visit the SWEIC online

P6 Pupils at Noblehill Primary School are European Runners Up in the Microbit Do Your Bit Challenge

September 24, 2021

During Term 4 of last session, P6 pupils at Noblehill Primary School in Dumfries and Galloway took part in a Micro:Bit Global Challenge.  Their challenge was… Read more

Using Easi-Speak to develop storytelling and writing by Lynn Eileen Allison, Hoddom Primary in Dumfries and Galloway

October 30, 2020

We have been using film literacy and voice-recording to develop our learners’ comprehension of a text.   We watched this video: Dragon Slayer | A… Read more

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Digital Learning in Maths From the MIE Scotland blog

July 3, 2020

Hugh Wallace Teacher of Maths Kyle Academy, South Ayrshire Twitter @MrWM4ths  Waking a Digital School As with all schools in Scotland, Kyle Academy closed… Read more

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Digital Learning in Maths From the MIE Scotland blog

July 3, 2020

Hugh Wallace Teacher of Maths Kyle Academy, South Ayrshire Twitter @MrWM4ths  Waking a Digital School As with all schools in Scotland, Kyle Academy closed… Read more

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How digital technology enhances the engagement of learning across the primary stages? St Patrick’s, South Ayrshire

June 24, 2020

How digital technology enhances the engagement of learning across the primary stages? – A Professional Enquiry Daniella Mancini (@missmancini27) I set out to investigate the… Read more

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Developing Conceptual Understanding of Maths through Blended Learning – Dalmilling Primary School, South Ayrshire

June 23, 2020

Scott Morrow, Principal Teacher of Numeracy from Dalmilling Primary School in South Ayrshire has created a YouTube channel to host his videos that help learners,… Read more

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Delivering Music Instruction Remotely – North Ayrshire Music Service – From the MIE Scotland Blog

June 22, 2020

I am Rosslyn Lee and I am the Digital Skills Coordinator for North Ayrshire Education.  Part of my job is to support staff and pupils… Read more

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Blogging for Better Engagement with Hottsbridge Primary School, Dumfries and Galloway

June 11, 2020

Blogging for Better Engagement by Dora Carter, Principal Teacher [slideshare id=235414618&doc=bloggingpresentationdoralilianbeatrice-200611135646] Read more

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Self Portraits on Purple Mash from Cargenbridge Primary in Dumfries and Galloway

May 29, 2020

by Louise Campbell – Class Teacher, Cargenbridge Primary Our learners have been creating digital artworks of themselves using a graphical paint app. We started working… Read more

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A Day in Lockdown with Mrs Pickard and P1b

May 26, 2020

I’m a primary school teacher, passionate about digital learning but by no means an expert. This is where I am in our class learning journey… Read more

virtual classroom made with thinglink screenshot

A Day in Lockdown with Mrs Pickard and P1b

May 26, 2020

I’m a primary school teacher, passionate about digital learning but by no means an expert. This is where I am in our class learning journey… Read more

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Learning at Home with Troqueer Primary School, Dumfries and Galloway

May 26, 2020

by Cathy Mackenzie, Acting Depute Head Teacher and P6/7 Class Teacher This video demonstrates Troqueer Primary School’s approach to using Microsoft Teams to support learning… Read more

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A Selfie in Isolation! North West Community Campus, Dumfries and Galloway

May 18, 2020

A Selfie in Isolation by Jamie McKie, Primary Teacher from North West Community Campus in Dumfries and Galloway. A Selfie in Isolation, an activity shared… Read more