outdoor play header

Spotlight on early level Digital: Outdoor Play

Join us with Mairi Ferris from Thrive Outdoors – Inspiring Scotland in this 60-minute online session, to explore how digital technology can be used effectively at early level to creatively support interactions, experiences and spaces within our outdoor environments. This webinar is for practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

The session will include creative examples from practice, centered around Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy Experiences and Outcomes, to illustrate what learning with and through digital technology outdoors may look like across a variety of settings.

Creativity is about much more than expressive arts, it is the ability to wonder about things, to see them or use them differently. Creativity is vital for all learning. Think about the creativity involved in the everyday problems we face. Consider the pace of change in our world and how we need to ensure our children are equipped with the right skills for their future. The foundations are built from the child’s earliest years. Creativity is crucial within science, technology, engineering and mathematical learning (STEM). It is also essential to language and literacy development. Realising the ambition: Being Me (page 24)

We will also refer to National self-evaluation framework, How Good is Our Early Learning and Childcare Quality Indictor 3.3 Developing creativity and skills for life and learning (including digital skills), to help us identify strengths in the ways we are currently working and areas where we could do more to improve outcomes for children and their families.

We welcome you to familiarise yourself with Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy Experiences and Outcomes prior to joining us.

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings.

Glow login NOT required.

This session will be repeated five times throughout the year 23/24 with morning and twilight options.

Sign up via Eventbrite here.


transition header

Spotlight on early level Digital: Transition

Join us in this 60-minute online session to explore how digital technology can be used effectively at early level to support horizontal and vertical transitions within our ELC settings. This webinar is for all ELC practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

Strong collaboration between practitioners, teachers and partners is also important in designing a continuous curriculum experience for babies and children as they journey from one phase of their education and care to another.   Realising the ambition: Being Me (page 52).  

How can we strengthen practitioner collaboration? What digital technology do we have access to that can help?

This session will focus on practical use of digital technology to capture the all-important child’s voice, ensuring transitions are meaningful to the child, supporting their social, emotional and mental wellbeing, and we will also focus on how digital technology can support the 5 Cs structure when intentionally planning your transition programme (child centered, communication, consistency, collaboration, culture).  Realising the ambition: Being Me (page 96).

Part of the session will document examples of practice from current practitioners of where they are creatively using digital technology to support transitions within their settings.

We welcome you to familiarise yourself with How Good is Our ELC, Quality Indicator 2.6: Transitions (page 35) and Realising the ambition: Being Me Section 8: Transitions matter to me (page 89).  

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings. 

Glow login NOT required. 

Sign up via Eventbrite and receive a join link to an online meeting within Microsoft Teams. 

This session will be repeated five times throughout the year 23/24 with morning and twilight options.

Sign up via Eventbrite here.

learning with and through programme

This is Early Level Digital programme webinars

This four part programme is currently delivered as a RIC offer. Please note your interest to your local authority digital lead.

This CLPL programme is for all ELC practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

In this four-part professional learning programme, explore and play along with us (the Digital Team at Education Scotland), to extend your knowledge of how early level learners can effectively learn with and through technology, linking to current guidance and policy (Realising the Ambition, Curriculum for Excellence, How Good Is Our Early Learning and Childcare). 

In the first session, we explore examples of effective use of digital technology and the creative ways in which practitioners are harnessing digital technology to support intentional and responsive planning at the early level. 

In session two, the programme will focus on Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy experiences and outcomes in more detail. You will be invited to look inwards at your own knowledge and skills and/or learning provision in your setting, to identify what is currently working well and where there is room for improvement. 

In session three, the programme will focus on Curriculum for Excellence early level Computing Science experiences and outcomes in more detail, and we will ‘play a long’ together, exploring unplugged computational thinking and online computing science resources for early level learners. Again, in this session you will be invited to look inwards at your own knowledge and skills and/or learning provision in your setting, to identify what is currently working well and where there is room for improvement. 

The fourth session will allow practitioners to share their journey and the impact this course is having on their professional learning and also on children’s experiences. Participants will be asked to share very a brief* presentation/video/sketch note/blog post, demonstrating how they have developed their effective use of digital technologies in their setting. 

*A couple of minutes, guidance on structure will be provided. 

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings. 

This four part programme is currently delivered as a RIC offer. Please note your interest to your local authority digital lead.

18 May 16:00, Artificial Intelligence – Exploring Opportunities for Scottish Educators #CSscot23

Join Education Scotland for a short session exploring Artificial Intelligence. This session is suitable for educators in Scotland. In this session we will explore…

  • What is artificial intelligence
  • What is generative AI and some examples
  • Prompt-craft
  • How might you use generative AI tools to support your work
  • How generative AI tools can support learners

Sign Up

18 May 16:00, Artificial Intelligence – Exploring Opportunities for Scottish Educators #CSscot23

Join Education Scotland for a short session exploring Artificial Intelligence. This session is suitable for educators in Scotland. In this session we will explore…

  • What is artificial intelligence
  • What is generative AI and some examples
  • Prompt-craft
  • How might you use generative AI tools to support your work
  • How generative AI tools can support learners

Sign Up

scottish computing science week 23

15 – 19 May, Scottish Computing Science Week 2023 #CSscot23

Put a hold in your planner for the week of the 15th May 2023 and join us for exciting interactive live computing science lessons. 

Below is our exciting offering for CSscot23 but remember to keep your eyes peeled for more updates and details as we release them (everything will be added here)!

Let us know what you’re planning to join or anything you’re planning in your own setting on twitter @digilearnscot #CSscot23

Webinars and Curriculum Live lessons

15 May 11:00, MITCH RESNICK creator of Scratch, Live Assembly & Sustainability Challenge #CSscot23 - Join Mitch Resnick, LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab, as he explores and shares how he develops new technologies to…
15 May 16:00 – 17:00 Esports Scotland: The Journey into Education - Join Esports Scotland to hear about their journey into education and their future plans. Over the past 18 months Esports Scotland have been working within…
15 May 19:00, ELC Practitioner Code Along, with Scratch Jnr #CSscot23 - Celebrate #CSscot23 with the Education Scotland Digital Team, by joining a short 30 minute evening 'Code Along' session to explore the free online block-based coding…
16 May 11:00, Scratch Code Along with Barefoot – Planet Pledge #CSscot23 - Live Code Along with Barefoot Computing to create a Planet Pledge using Scratch for first - 4th level learners. Join Barefoot Computing for this Live…
16 May 14:00, Technology to Protect our Planet – Live Assembly, Tech She Can #CSscot23 - Are your students interested in technology and how it can help us protect our planet? Could they see themselves working in a green career in…
16 May 19:00, ELC Practitioner Play Along, with Barefoot Computing #CSscot23 - Be part of #CSscot23 by joining the Education Scotland Digital Team in a short 30 minute evening 'Play Along' session and be introduced to the…
16 May 19:00, ELC Practitioner Play Along, with Barefoot Computing #CSscot23 - Be part of #CSscot23 by joining the Education Scotland Digital Team in a short 30 minute evening 'Play Along' session and be introduced to the…
17 May 11:00, Live Code Along, Inspiring Sustainable Behaviour with micro:bit #CSscot23 - Making a difference in the world around us can seem a little daunting but there are lots of easy, individual and local things we can…
18 May 16:00, Artificial Intelligence – Exploring Opportunities for Scottish Educators #CSscot23 - Join Education Scotland for a short session exploring Artificial Intelligence. This session is suitable for educators in Scotland. In this session we will explore... What…
18 May 16:00, Artificial Intelligence – Exploring Opportunities for Scottish Educators #CSscot23 - Join Education Scotland for a short session exploring Artificial Intelligence. This session is suitable for educators in Scotland. In this session we will explore... What…
18 May, 11 – 11:45 Live Lesson, Soft Robotics and AI with National Robotarium - Join Engineers from the National Robotarium as they take learners through Soft Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Soft Robotics focuses on technologies that more closely resemble…
19 May 11:00 – 11:45 Next Tech Girls Scottish Computing Science Week Event - This is an amazing opportunity for secondary school students around the UK to find out what it means to work in tech and hear from…
Computing Science Scotland 2023: Review and Resources - If you missed Computing Science Scotland Week, we have (most!) sessions available for you to view again!  (Unfortunately the tech gremlins appeared in a few…
Monitor and Encourage Sustainable Behaviour, micro:bit, ON DEMAND #CSscot23 - This is pre-recorded session for you to watch with your class at your own leisure. The video will be made available from 17th May at…

scottish computing science week 23

15 – 19 May, Scottish Computing Science Week 2023 #CSscot23

Put a hold in your planner for the week of the 15th May 2023 and join us for exciting interactive live computing science lessons. 

Below is our exciting offering for CSscot23 but remember to keep your eyes peeled for more updates and details as we release them (everything will be added here)!

Let us know what you’re planning to join or anything you’re planning in your own setting on twitter @digilearnscot #CSscot23

Webinars and Curriculum Live lessons

15 May 11:00, MITCH RESNICK creator of Scratch, Live Assembly & Sustainability Challenge #CSscot23 - Join Mitch Resnick, LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab, as he explores and shares how he develops new technologies to…
15 May 16:00 – 17:00 Esports Scotland: The Journey into Education - Join Esports Scotland to hear about their journey into education and their future plans. Over the past 18 months Esports Scotland have been working within…
15 May 19:00, ELC Practitioner Code Along, with Scratch Jnr #CSscot23 - Celebrate #CSscot23 with the Education Scotland Digital Team, by joining a short 30 minute evening 'Code Along' session to explore the free online block-based coding…
16 May 11:00, Scratch Code Along with Barefoot – Planet Pledge #CSscot23 - Live Code Along with Barefoot Computing to create a Planet Pledge using Scratch for first - 4th level learners. Join Barefoot Computing for this Live…
16 May 14:00, Technology to Protect our Planet – Live Assembly, Tech She Can #CSscot23 - Are your students interested in technology and how it can help us protect our planet? Could they see themselves working in a green career in…
16 May 19:00, ELC Practitioner Play Along, with Barefoot Computing #CSscot23 - Be part of #CSscot23 by joining the Education Scotland Digital Team in a short 30 minute evening 'Play Along' session and be introduced to the…
16 May 19:00, ELC Practitioner Play Along, with Barefoot Computing #CSscot23 - Be part of #CSscot23 by joining the Education Scotland Digital Team in a short 30 minute evening 'Play Along' session and be introduced to the…
17 May 11:00, Live Code Along, Inspiring Sustainable Behaviour with micro:bit #CSscot23 - Making a difference in the world around us can seem a little daunting but there are lots of easy, individual and local things we can…
18 May 16:00, Artificial Intelligence – Exploring Opportunities for Scottish Educators #CSscot23 - Join Education Scotland for a short session exploring Artificial Intelligence. This session is suitable for educators in Scotland. In this session we will explore... What…
18 May 16:00, Artificial Intelligence – Exploring Opportunities for Scottish Educators #CSscot23 - Join Education Scotland for a short session exploring Artificial Intelligence. This session is suitable for educators in Scotland. In this session we will explore... What…
18 May, 11 – 11:45 Live Lesson, Soft Robotics and AI with National Robotarium - Join Engineers from the National Robotarium as they take learners through Soft Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Soft Robotics focuses on technologies that more closely resemble…
19 May 11:00 – 11:45 Next Tech Girls Scottish Computing Science Week Event - This is an amazing opportunity for secondary school students around the UK to find out what it means to work in tech and hear from…
Computing Science Scotland 2023: Review and Resources - If you missed Computing Science Scotland Week, we have (most!) sessions available for you to view again!  (Unfortunately the tech gremlins appeared in a few…
Monitor and Encourage Sustainable Behaviour, micro:bit, ON DEMAND #CSscot23 - This is pre-recorded session for you to watch with your class at your own leisure. The video will be made available from 17th May at…

Monitor and Encourage Sustainable Behaviour, micro:bit, ON DEMAND #CSscot23

This is pre-recorded session for you to watch with your class at your own leisure. The video will be made available from 17th May at 11am within the Curriculum Live Channel.

Encouraging those around you to make better choices in their sustainable behaviour is hard. One important thing to encourage change is to convince them with data. Using the data logging feature on the BBC micro:bit, we will build a manual data logger to allow you to gather data for your local area. You could look at transport on the way to school or the types of litter in your local environment. The choice is yours but remember collecting the data is only the first step. Then you need to think about how you will present and share that data in order to make a difference.

This session is suitable for 2nd – 4th Level learners.

This session is based on the traffic survey project – https://microbit.org/projects/make-it-code-it/traffic-survey-data-logger/

Book your place here to access the On Demand recording for your class!

17 May 11:00, Live Code Along, Inspiring Sustainable Behaviour with micro:bit #CSscot23

Making a difference in the world around us can seem a little daunting but there are lots of easy, individual and local things we can do to help. Using the accelerometer on the BBC micro:bit, we will code a random sustainability activity picker to inspire us all to make a difference and to have fun doing it.

This session is suitable for learners first – 4th level.

This session is based on the activity picker project – https://microbit.org/projects/make-it-code-it/activity-picker/

Book a place for your class here!

16 May 14:00, Technology to Protect our Planet – Live Assembly, Tech She Can #CSscot23

Are your students interested in technology and how it can help us protect our planet? Could they see themselves working in a green career in the future? Join us on Tuesday 16th March at 2pm, when Tech She Can Learning Design and Development Officer (and experienced primary school teacher), Poppy Patel, will deliver a live virtual 30-minute Tech We Can assembly for children aged 8 – 11. Poppy will highlight the role technology plays in helping us to protect our planet and fight climate change – and also show some of the green careers within tech that students could pursue in the future.

Book a place for your class here!