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ELC supporting resources

When learning with and through technology, we pay close attention to digital literacy (living, learning, creating and searching with digital) and computing science early level experiences and outcomes, within the Technologies Curriculum.

As with literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, digital literacy should be placed at the heart of all learning, not only the technologies area of the curriculum.
Digital literacy outcomes could be met in any/all curriculum areas and so all practitioners can contribute to and reinforce them.

CfE Technologies front cover

Our National guidance for self evaluation in ELC, in Scotland is How good is our early learning and childcare?

Learning with and through digital technology is highlighted throughout the guidance and Quality Indicator 3.3 reminds us that developing creativity and digital skills are significant skills for life and learning which children should increasingly be able to demonstrate as they grow and learn. Through high quality play and learning opportunities, children begin to understand the importance of these skills and apply them to their everyday learning. 

HGIOELC front cover

​Realising the ambition: Being Me, our National practice guidance for early years in Scotland, highlights the importance of digital technology to support practitioners to meet learners needs by bringing resources and experiences virtually, when planning to support children’s interests.

Digital technologies provide opportunities for us to design unique learning spaces for the children. Bringing resources and experiences virtually into the setting can lead learning well-beyond what was originally planned.

Realising the Ambition front cover.

The Care Inspectorate have published a technology good practice guide to:  

  • highlight good practice that supports good outcomes
  • help care services, their staff and Care Inspectorate staff to achieve positive experiences of digital technology to support care
  • support care providers to better understand and offer good quality digital engagement.

Please see page 12 for an example of an ELC Case Study.

The SSSC have developed the online resource 23 Digital capabilities to support practice and learning in social and health services, to help social service workers develop their digital capabilities to support learning and practice.

ELC supporting res header

ELC supporting resources

When learning with and through technology, we pay close attention to digital literacy (living, learning, creating and searching with digital) and computing science early level experiences and outcomes, within the Technologies Curriculum.

As with literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing, digital literacy should be placed at the heart of all learning, not only the technologies area of the curriculum.
Digital literacy outcomes could be met in any/all curriculum areas and so all practitioners can contribute to and reinforce them.

CfE Technologies front cover

Our National guidance for self evaluation in ELC, in Scotland is How good is our early learning and childcare?

Learning with and through digital technology is highlighted throughout the guidance and Quality Indicator 3.3 reminds us that developing creativity and digital skills are significant skills for life and learning which children should increasingly be able to demonstrate as they grow and learn. Through high quality play and learning opportunities, children begin to understand the importance of these skills and apply them to their everyday learning. 

HGIOELC front cover

​Realising the ambition: Being Me, our National practice guidance for early years in Scotland, highlights the importance of digital technology to support practitioners to meet learners needs by bringing resources and experiences virtually, when planning to support children’s interests.

Digital technologies provide opportunities for us to design unique learning spaces for the children. Bringing resources and experiences virtually into the setting can lead learning well-beyond what was originally planned.

Realising the Ambition front cover.

The Care Inspectorate have published a technology good practice guide to:  

  • highlight good practice that supports good outcomes
  • help care services, their staff and Care Inspectorate staff to achieve positive experiences of digital technology to support care
  • support care providers to better understand and offer good quality digital engagement.

Please see page 12 for an example of an ELC Case Study.

The SSSC have developed the online resource 23 Digital capabilities to support practice and learning in social and health services, to help social service workers develop their digital capabilities to support learning and practice.

16 May 19:00, ELC Practitioner Play Along, with Barefoot Computing #CSscot23

Be part of #CSscot23 by joining the Education Scotland Digital Team in a short 30 minute evening ‘Play Along’ session and be introduced to the concepts and approaches of Computational Thinking with Barefoot Computing, through fun, interactive activities.

We use Computational thinking strategies in our everyday lives and may not even realise it! Computational thinking is about learning to solve problems, with or without a computer. These problem-solving skills not only support the computing science curriculum but also play a part in many other areas of the curriculum and our lives, from PE to storytelling, maths and baking! Join us to find out more.

This session is suitable for all practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings.

Please have a pen and paper and small piece of playdough/plasticine to hand, to take part in the hands-on activities.

Barefoot resources for early level learners can be accessed here. For more information about Barefoot please watch this short video.

Sign Up

16 May 19:00, ELC Practitioner Play Along, with Barefoot Computing #CSscot23

Be part of #CSscot23 by joining the Education Scotland Digital Team in a short 30 minute evening ‘Play Along’ session and be introduced to the concepts and approaches of Computational Thinking with Barefoot Computing, through fun, interactive activities.

We use Computational thinking strategies in our everyday lives and may not even realise it! Computational thinking is about learning to solve problems, with or without a computer. These problem-solving skills not only support the computing science curriculum but also play a part in many other areas of the curriculum and our lives, from PE to storytelling, maths and baking! Join us to find out more.

This session is suitable for all practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings.

Please have a pen and paper and small piece of playdough/plasticine to hand, to take part in the hands-on activities.

Barefoot resources for early level learners can be accessed here. For more information about Barefoot please watch this short video.

Sign Up

15 May 19:00, ELC Practitioner Code Along, with Scratch Jnr #CSscot23

Celebrate #CSscot23 with the Education Scotland Digital Team, by joining a short 30 minute evening ‘Code Along’ session to explore the free online block-based coding app Scratch Jnr.


Scratch Jnr provides an introduction for early level learners to experiment with programming their own interactive stories and games through block-based coding, with endless opportunity to problem solve and express themselves creatively.


This session is suitable for all practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings.


Please download the app prior to the session and ‘Code Along’ with us.

The app be downloaded here. For more information about Scratch Jnr, please click here.

If possible, it would be more beneficial to join the session on one device so you can watch the demo and ‘code along’ with us on another device that has the Scratch Jnr app downloaded at the same time.


Sign Up

accessibility webinar, man in wheelchair

10 May 16:00, This is iPad: Accessibility Features


Having an accessibility need can be a daunting prospect for learners. Having an Additional Support Need that isn’t visible c`an impact pupil confidence and ability to take part in classroom activities. Accessiblity features on iPadOS can benefit all learners. Especially those with SEN/ASN.

  • What are some of the built in features that can support learner needs?
  • What are some of the ways these features can be used to enhance learning & teaching?
  • How can these be used?

Sign Up here


Find more information about Apple Regional Training Centres here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/digilearn/professional-learning/platforms/apple-rtc/

24 April 16:00, Level up teaching & learning w/iPad

Level up your teaching & learning with out of the box iPad features

In this session we will look at ways in which we can use hilt in features of iPad and iPadOS to have an impact on teaching & learning practice.

Find more information about Apple Regional Training Centres here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/digilearn/professional-learning/platforms/apple-rtc/

Join the session using this link

cris programme header

This is early level Digital – CRIS

(Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety).

When we use the internet we either consume, create or communicate. Each of these behaviours has different levels and types of risk. Join us in this series of three webinars to explore how we can support early level learners to gain knowledge and confidence in Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety. This webinar series is for all ELC practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

The sessions will include examples from practice, centered around the Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy CRIS Experiences and Outcome,

I can explore, play and communicate using digital technologies safely and securely. TCH 0-03

illustrating what invitations to explore, play and communicate safely and securely may look like across a variety of ELC settings. 

We will also refer to National self-evaluation framework for ELC, How Good is Our Early Learning and Childcare Quality Indictor 2.1 Safeguarding and Child Protection.

We welcome you to familiarise yourself with Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy Experiences and Outcomes prior to joining us. 

Each session is accompanied by optional follow up reading/professional development centred on the Cyber Toolkit, coordinating with each session.

Attendees will be invited to submit a short blog post illustrating how the programme has impacted practice,

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings. 

Glow login NOT required. 

Each session will be repeated three times throughout the year 23/24 with morning and twilight options.

To get the most from this course, it is advised that you join the sessions in numerical order.

Session 1 (60 minutes) This is early level Digital, CRIS – Consume 7.9.23 & 9.1.24 & 16.4.24

Session 2 (30 minutes) This is early level Digital, CRIS – Create 3.10.23 & 20.2.24 & 30.4.24

Session 3 (30 minutes) This is early level Digital, CRIS – Communicate 7.11.23 & 12.3.24 & 14.5.23

Tech for helping the planet. Tech She Can assembly recording.

Access an exciting Earth Day assembly recording from Tech She Can and explore how creative technology is solving problems and inventing useful tools to help the planet.

During this session recording, children will explore the role technology plays in helping us to protect our planet and fight climate change. They are also crucially introduced to a variety of green careers within tech that they could potentially pursue in the future.

You can access a recording from the session on 18.04.23 here.

This assembly is aimed at Second level learners but could still be enjoyed by younger and older learners with teacher support. There will be an open-ended and adaptable challenge activity at the end of the session.

Find out more about Tech Che Can with this link: TechSheCan website and you can also explore a variety of short animated lessons here Animated lessons – TechSheCan.


This is early level Digital CLPL

Welcome to the This is early level Digital range and spotlight sessions of CLPL.

This CLPL is for all ELC practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings. 

A Glow login is NOT required to join the sessions.

Sign up via Eventbrite and receive a join link to an online meeting within Microsoft Teams. 

This is early level Digital ( a four-part programme and currently a RIC offer, please speak to your local authority digital lead to note your interest).

Spotlight on early level Digital: Transitions.

Spotlight on early level Digital: Outdoor Digital

This is early level CRIS (a three-part programme)