Running an Esports Club – British Esports Association

Esports (or electronic sports) is a term used to describe competitive video gaming. With 81% of children playing video games online nowadays, games are arguably a larger part of their lives than ever before.

The British Esports Association (BEA) is a not-for-profit national body established in 2016 to promote esports in the UK, increase its level of awareness, improve standards and inspire future talent. As a national body, their aims are to support esports and provide expertise and advice.

They help to educate parents, teachers, media, policy makers and government around what esports is and what its benefits are. BEA aim to:


  • Promote esports in the UK and increase its level of awareness
  • Improve the standard of UK esports
  • Inspire future talent

There has been lots of work with colleges in Scotland so far but the BEA are keen to support more schools setup, deliver and develop esports clubs for children and young people. Running an esports club is about more than playing games, there is the setup of equipment, recruitment of friends and peers, and all the digital literacy required to produce videos of their games. In fact, capturing gameplay can become a whole production with sounds, graphics and video editing going on to showcase their gaming skills.


Find out more about esports and the British Esports Association with these links:
British Esports Student Champs
Student Champs Resources
Esports in Education Conference
Glasgow Clyde Case Study
British Esports Champs 2021 Aftermovie
Forth Valley College Division 2 Rocket League Interview
Scottish College Cup
Diversity and Inclusion of Esports

What is Microsoft Whiteboard?

Microsoft Whiteboard is an interactive tool which allows users to work independently or collaboratively.

  • Create your own content, share, collaborate and distribute activities or ideas to your learners or colleagues.
  • Whiteboard can be added to your Team or an existing O365 group.
  • Find out how you can make the most out of Microsoft Whiteboard Online within Glow or via the app by watching the videos below.

Using Core Whiteboard Tools


Creating and Sharing a Whiteboard [youtube]

Incorporating a Whiteboard into a Microsoft team [youtube]


Noteable – DPIA Information udpate

The Noteable service providing access to cloud based computational notebooks is now available via the App Library in Glow.

Noteable provides a cloud based environment for coding activities using Python and R/R Studio.  This can be used to support the delivery of Computing Science and Data Science based courses as well as Higher Applications of Mathematics.

  • A DPIA will be required before schools in local authorities can access the service. This document should provide most of the information required for Local Authorities.
  • To access the Noteable app in Unify, the Glow Key Contact has to make contact with RM who will issue an application request form.  Once completed and returned, the app will be made available to admins for the authority who can accept the terms and conditions and install across their establishments

DPIA Support

EDINA, at the University of Edinburgh have provided documentation to help with DPIAs.  This documentation is available below.

Noteable Service DPIA (outwith University of Edinburgh)

Additional Questions and Answers asked by LAs

It states that the legal basis is Contract. What is the basis of the contract? Who is the contract with given the Local Authorities haven’t signed anything directly with Edinburgh University

  • EDINA, at the University of Edinburgh holds an agreement with Education Scotland to integrate and supply the Noteable service through the GLOW system to Scottish schools. Contractual agreements to access GLOW apps fall between Education Scotland and the Local Authority. Service level contracts and agreements between EDINA, the University of Edinburgh and service users are relevant and applicable where there is a legal basis to supply the service as a paid subscription.

Does the Local Authority have to request removal of material from the cloud once the qualification is done or doe this happen automatically?

  • Removal of data on the Noteable service is managed by the Data Retention Policy available on the Noteable website:
  • Once a user has been tagged with a ‘Suspended’ or equivalent affiliation by the Identity Management System that feeds into the Noteable system through GLOW, using the SAML2 authentication standard, the user’s account will be made unavailable for access and user accounts are deleted one year after the user’s affiliation is set to ‘Deleted’.User account deletion does not include deleting assignment work submitted to Instructors – this data is considered owned by the relevant Instructor and will remain within their Noteable service user space until the instructor account has been Suspended and Deleted according to the schedules described above.

Please describe the technical measures that will be put in place to support the protection the data in the cloud

  • The Noteable service adopts Jupyter technology into its infrastructure stack and does not link to Jupyter project servers that may be based outside of the United Kingdom. The Noteable hardware and software infrastructure stack are run by and within University of Edinburgh’s IT infrastructure. The Information Security Strategy of the University of Edinburgh includes information on Cyber security incident prevention and management requirements and advice for staff members of the University. (
  • To protect data within the Noteable service, The infrastructure that Noteable is built upon takes nightly backups of the virtual machines running the Noteable service. The service itself runs within Docker containers in those virtual machines. The backups are retained for 4 weeks (this information is available within the Data Retention Policy as well).


University of Edinburgh’s website states: ‘Noteable is integrated with Learn to allow for a central launch point into a pre-set environment without the need for a separate login.’ Are you able to explain what Learn’ is?

LEARN refers to the University of Edinburgh’s specific online learning environment, and in the case of schools the word ‘Learn’ would be replaced with ‘GLOW’ as the equivalent. As these are the University of Edinburgh’s specific websites, information about Noteable will be specific to their use case. Further information on Noteable for schools can be found on our YouTube playlist and website.

Noteable – Cookie Policy ( – are you able to clarify the third parties you rely on to sub-contract the processing if this includes personal data

    • Noteable uses New Relic and Google Tag manager for gathering performance and traffic metrics. All data is obfuscated for New Relic and used only for performance metric purposes. Google Tag manager is used on the service launch page and there is no personal data that is fed or added to Google Tag manager.

Will personal data be included on any assignments? E.g. teacher name, signature and pupils name, class, schools?

  • Data securely authenticated by Noteable using the SAML2 authentication protocol used with the GLOW system will possibly include student names to track assignments and school name identification on the launch page and for assignment management.

What departmental controls or controls by University of Edinburgh etc. will be put in place to protect personal data? E.g. ‘Student Guide to using Noteable for Assignments’

  • Personal data is protected and managed by the Noteable service data retention policy:
  • Backups of data on the Noteable service are outlined in the policy which includes further information on the virtual machines which run the infrastructure of the service.
  • Personal data is obfuscated in all possible instances and solely used for authentication purposes to access the service and a user’s saved environment and files.

What do teachers have access to?

  • Teachers have access to a user-specific instance of Noteable, including computational notebook files and environments they have created and saved previously, including options to choose computational notebook types with Python and R-based notebooks. Teachers have assignment features enabled when they authenticate into Noteable through GLOW, and can create assignments for their class using the Formgrader tab on the Noteable service dashboard. Teachers have access to the Formgrader feature for releasing assignments to their classes from Noteable as well, which will release an assignment file from the source in the teacher’s user space for students in their class to fetch in the Assignments tab of Noteable.

Do you rely on any sub-processors? The storing of data outside the UK would have to be a yes as University of Edinburgh is a Data Processor. We need to understand if anyone else is ?

  • No personal data that Noteable may use is stored outside of Scotland and the United Kingdom. All data is stored on University of Edinburgh hardware.
welcome to teams header

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a Digital Hub for Collaboration.

  • Teams can be used for classroom content, to host a Professional Learning Community or simply to pull together information for members of a group.
  • Find out how you can make the most out of Microsoft Teams within Glow by watching the videos below.

back to


View all previous webinars

Overview of Microsoft Teams within Glow


Accessing from your Glow Launchpad


Joining a Teams Meeting and Trouble Shooting Issues


Organising Breakout Rooms and Facilitators Before Meetings


Joining and creating a Team




Navigation Panel


Conversation Space and Meetings


Using Tabs




Searching within Teams


Creating Assignments


Assignment Insights


Returned Assignments


Student View of Teams Assignments


Team settings in Glow


Troubleshooting a Teams Meeting


Upcoming O365 webinars

What is Microsoft Stream?

Microsoft Stream in Glow is a video sharing platform for learning and teaching.

  • Create your own content, share, collaborate and distribute work to your learners or colleagues.
  • Stream can be added to your Team or an existing O365 group.
  • Find out how you can make the most out of Microsoft Stream within Glow by watching the videos below.

What is Microsoft Stream?

An Introduction


What is Microsoft Stream?

Linking with your Microsoft Team


What is Microsoft Stream?
Home Page Features


What is Stream?
Content, Groups and Channels


What is Microsoft Stream?
Creating Videos within Stream


What is Stream?
Uploading Content


What is Microsoft Stream?
Linking with your Microsoft Team


What is Microsoft Stream?
Additional Addice and Support


What is Microsoft Stream?

Microsoft Stream in Glow is a video sharing platform for learning and teaching.

  • Create your own content, share, collaborate and distribute work to your learners or colleagues.
  • Stream can be added to your Team or an existing O365 group.
  • Find out how you can make the most out of Microsoft Stream within Glow by watching the videos below.

What is Microsoft Stream?

An Introduction


What is Microsoft Stream?

Linking with your Microsoft Team


What is Microsoft Stream?
Home Page Features


What is Stream?
Content, Groups and Channels


What is Microsoft Stream?
Creating Videos within Stream


What is Stream?
Uploading Content


What is Microsoft Stream?
Linking with your Microsoft Team


What is Microsoft Stream?
Additional Addice and Support


welcome to one note header

What is Microsoft OneNote?

Microsoft OneNote is a Digital Folder for all your notes and resources.

  • Use OneNote for your own work content, collaborate as a team or distribute work to your learners.
  • Find out how you can make the most out of Microsoft OneNote within Glow by watching the videos below.

back to


View all previous webinars

Getting started with OneNote – An Introduction to OneNote in Glow


Overview of Microsoft Class OneNote
within Teams


Home Tab


View Tab


Insert Tab


Draw Tab






Sharing Options


Maths Tools


OneNote Desktop Version


Explore Microsoft OneNote

Click on the hotspots to find out more about each of the areas within the application

welcome to sway header

What is Microsoft Sway?

Sway can be used to create multimedia, interactive presentations

  • Sway allows you to create Digital Stories that flow beautifully, displaying interactive multimedia content.
  • The built in click and drag feature makes it easy to upload content from various sources.
  • Sway is intuitive and easy to navigate with simple menus.
  • You can unleash your creativity by designing your own look and feel.


back to


View all previous webinars

What is Sway?


Creating a New Sway


Sharing Your Sway


Creating a Sway from a Document


Creating a Sway from a Template


Creating a Sway from a Topic



Microsoft Immersive Reader

Microsoft Immersive Reader

Microsoft Immersive Reader is a free tool, built into Word, OneNote, Outlook, Office Lens, Microsoft Teams, Forms and the Edge browser, that implement techniques to improve reading and writing skills.

Immersive Reader can:

  • Customise text size, spacing and background colour

  • Isolate content to improve readability

  • Display pictures for common words

  • Highlight nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs

  • Real text aloud

  • Translate content in real time

  • Split words into syllables

Explore Microsoft Immersive Reader

Click on the hotspots to find out more about each of the areas within the application

Microsoft Immersive Reader Bitesize Videos

Microsoft Immersive Reader – Text Preferences

Microsoft Immersive Reader – Grammar Preferences

Microsoft Immersive Reader – Reading Preferences

Microsoft Educator Centre Courses

Microsoft Educator Centre Course

Dyslexia Awareness Part 1, in partnership with Made By Dyslexia 

Duration: 1 hour 


This course will provide essential insights into dyslexia, which we believe all educators and parents should have. Microsoft and Made By Dyslexia have a shared mission to empower every person with dyslexia to reach their potential, and we have partnered to create tools to help make this happen. 

Microsoft Educator Centre Course

Accessibility tools: Meeting the needs of diverse learners 

Duration: 1 hour 


Microsoft’s mission is to empower all people and all organizations to achieve more. The classroom is no different. Microsoft Windows and Windows-based applications like Office, together with other assistive technologies, offer features that make computers easier to use for everyone – giving teachers the opportunity to provide personalized learning, and students an improved experience and equal opportunity in the classroom.  

Microsoft Educator Centre Course

Dyslexia Awareness Part 2, in partnership with Made By Dyslexia 

Duration: 1 hour 


This course will provide an overview of ways teachers can elevate their practice to scaffold support for students in any content area. Microsoft and Made By Dyslexia have a shared mission to empower every person with dyslexia to reach their potential. 

Microsoft Educator Centre Course

Empower every student with an inclusive classroom 

Duration: 1 hour 


This course is designed for educators of all subject areas who want to empower students to utilize tools to unlock their full potential by addressing a diversity of needs. 

Practice creating an accessible and personalized experience in Windows 10 and Office 365 

Learn the tools and apps available to create accessible content 

Understand the importance of personalizing the learning device 


Upcoming O365 webinars

welcome to forms header

What is Microsoft Forms?

What is Microsoft Forms?

Microsoft Forms is a tool for creating surveys and quizzes

  • Microsoft Forms allows users the ability to create surveys and self marking quizzes.
  • Forms can be shared with Glow users and externally with parents and the community.
  • Forms automatically collates data which is displayed in interactive graphs.
  • All this data can then be exported into Excel for further analysis.


Managing Your Forms


Populating Your Form- Question Types and Sections


Questions – Creating Quizzes in Forms


Creating New Forms, Inserting Headers and Media


Sharing, Settings and Accessibility Features

Upcoming O365 workshops