27 Feb, 11:00 – 11:45, Live Lesson, Be Cyber Smart for First Level

Join Barefoot for this live lesson on Cyber Resilience, for first level learners.

In this live lesson we will explore the idea of how and why we can
keep our things secure using locks and passwords. We will look at
a range of digital and non-digital everyday objects which can be
locked to keep them secure.  We will focus on ownership and ownership and permissions which are the basics of the ethical use of computers.

Sign your class up here

Cyber Scotland Week 2023 #CSW2023

This session’s Cyber Scotland Week will take place 27th February – 5th March 2023.
Let us know what you’re up to on twitter @digilearnscot with #CSW2023

Education Scotland will be delivering and supporting live sessions all over the country and online, as well as making asynchronous opportunities and resources available too.

About CSW23

The Three Aims of Cyber Scotland Week are:

Protection – improving cyber resilience knowledge, behaviours, awareness and practice

Innovation – showcasing innovative work happening across Scotland’s cyber sector

Skills and Careers – promoting skills development and a career in cyber security and to discover the importance of cyber security

Full events schedule

These are events already confirmed with more to be added:

Monday 27th February

All day – CyberFirst development day: Falkirk (CyberFirstGirls_DevelopmentDays_flyer)

1100 – 1145, Barefoot Live Lesson (First Level) 

Tuesday 28th February 

All day – CyberFirst development day: Inverness (CyberFirstGirls_DevelopmentDays_flyer)

Thursday 2nd March 

All day – CyberFirst development day: West College Scotland Glasgow campus (CyberFirstGirls_DevelopmentDays_flyer)

0930 – 1015, Tech She Can LIVE assembly: Tech Safety and Security

AM, PM & twilight (3 sessions)NCSC childminder session and read and play along for children (Early Level)  

Friday 3rd March  

All day – CyberFirst development day in Microsoft HQ Edinburgh (CyberFirstGirls_DevelopmentDays_flyer)

Monday 6th March

All day – CyberFirst development day: Maybole  (CyberFirstGirls_DevelopmentDays_flyer)

Sign up for these LIVE sessions

- Join Barefoot for this live lesson on Cyber Resilience, for first level learners. In this live lesson we will explore the idea of how and why we can keep our things secure using locks and…

cyber toolkit webinar 19th january

19 January 4pm, Cyber Toolkit webinar

The Cyber Toolkit is designed to help teachers find the most appropriate and useful advice, information and resources to support learners.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNT3A48CbSA]

When we use the internet we either consume, create or communicate. Each of these behaviours has different levels and types of risk. This toolkit will help you to diagnose, understand and then support learners with their digital needs.

Before you start with the toolkit, find out what your learners are using and doing online; and the issues or risks this presents. With this information you can use the toolkit to locate information, resources and professional learning to support you in planning meaningful CRIS learning.

Click this button to go to the Cyber Toolkit

Sign up for the webinar using this EvenBrite link – Sign up here

16 March 16:00, Cyber Toolkit webinar

The Cyber Toolkit is designed to help teachers find the most appropriate and useful advice, information and resources to support learners.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNT3A48CbSA]


When we use the internet we either consume, create or communicate. Each of these behaviours has different levels and types of risk. This toolkit will help you to diagnose, understand and then support learners with their digital needs.

Before you start with the toolkit, find out what your learners are using and doing online; and the issues or risks this presents. With this information you can use the toolkit to locate information, resources and professional learning to support you in planning meaningful CRIS learning.

Click this button to go to the Cyber Toolkit

Sign up for the webinar using this EvenBrite link – Sign up here

this is digital term4 clpl

21 March 16:00, This is Digital Learning and Teaching professional learning programme

As educators it is our responsibility to make effective use of digital technology to deliver high quality teaching, engaging learning and effective assessment.

This four-part professional learning programme is designed to enhance educators’ knowledge and skills in order to develop their planning, teaching and learning, and assessment and feedback with digital technology.


The four sessions cover:

Find out more about the programme with this link.

Sign up for this programme has ended.

assessing and feeding forward clpl

This is Digital CLPL programme: assessing learning and feeding forward

Reading and watching

This episode of CLPL focuses on the elements to consider when assessing learning and providing ‘feed forward’. 

  • Using digital technology to capture a range of assessment evidence
  • Designing assessments that effectively and fairly assess the skills and knowledge of learners
  • Providing feedback that informs improvements in learners

Local Assessment Resource (LAR)

Discussion points

To enable more effective and meaningful discussions during the webinar, please consider your thoughts on these points beforehand:

  • What would learning look like without jotters?
  • How can digital ensure that the assessment matches the learnign and fairly captures skills and knowledge
  • Using digital to provide feedback that informs improvements in learners