Essential Teacher Digital Skills

This section outlines the essential digital skills required by teachers in Scotland. These skills are in line with the UK Essential Digital Skills Framework and also meet the SQA Digital Literacy Level 3 award, ensuring teachers can support learners to this minimum standard for leaving school.

There are short, step-by-step tutorials in PowerPoint, Slides and video playlists. This content can be used independently by teachers or to deliver training to colleagues.

Teachers using alternative platforms, should seek support from their school or local authority digital lead.

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Use your device effectively and independently

Log in to Glow

These short videos explain how to open your browser, log in to Glow and use the launchpad.

Web search: basic search and validate search results

This video explains some of the essential skills for effective web searches – find out more on our information literacy page with this link:
go to information literacy page



Accessibility: use settings menus to change device display to make content easier to read

Accessibility features can make your devices and platforms easier to use but will vary depending on the device and platform but also your school or local authority settings. Start finding out what’s possible on these platforms:

This video playlist ahs some hints and tips to get you started:

Connect to WiFi network

Instructions on how to access Wi-Fi controls on a range of platforms:

iPad – coming soon

Chromebook – coming soon

Communicate wtih colleagues


Find out more about Teams and how to communicate with colleagues using it:


Outlook content to come



Communicate with learners on Teams

Teams: create and manage classes

Teams: share and distribute resources for learners

Office 365: create documents in Word and PowerPoint


Communicate with learners on Classroom

Classroom: create and manage classes

Classroom: share and distribute resources to learners

Google Workspace: create documents in Docs and Slides